Friday, October 23, 2009

When I was 12 I had 4 teeth come in behind my each last tooth that came up without me having lost a tooth.?

Were these wisdom teeth? or were those 12 year molars?

When I was 12 I had 4 teeth come in behind my each last tooth that came up without me having lost a tooth.?
These would most likely be your 12 year molars (also called 2nd molars). You can expect your dentist to be looking for another set of 4 to come in behind those sometime after the age of 16. If you have a complete set of teeth, including 3rd molars (also called wisdom teeth) you would have a set of 32 teeth total. It is possible to have missing teeth or extra teeth so that is a guess. Hope that helps,

JAMRDH - a dental hygienist
Reply:You hit the nail on the head, its your 12 year molars !
Reply:if you have 26 teeth they are regular ones =if you have 28 then those are wisdom teeth
Reply:I would think they may be molars.

girls myspace

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