Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When do cats lose there baby teeth?

what age do cat lose there baby teeth and then get there adult teeth?

When do cats lose there baby teeth?
They have all their milk teeth at 8 weeks of age and permanent teeth will appear around 12 to 18 weeks.
Reply:when you least expect it. In fact most of the times they swallow them in their sleep. I have just had one instance with my cat of actually seeing the tooth. He seemed to have something in his mouth, and it was a tooth!! Only one did I see. the others? don't worry it just happens :o)
Reply:My kitten just lost her baby teeth between 5 and 7 months and the adult teeth grew in right behind them so probably about 7.5 months she was finished. Most of the time they will fall out and you won't even notice it. My other cat lost her teeth around the same time and during a checkup the vet pulled one (It was hours from falling out on it's own) and about a year later I found one in the carpet. Yes, I had vacuumed several times. I have no clue how it got there.

My new kitten had several teeth that had to be pulled. She had the adult fangs growing in behind the baby fangs, but the baby fangs just wouldn't fall out. When she started pawing at her mouth like something was stuck, I knew it was time for them to come out. I left her alone for two days but she seemed to get more and more agitated. Finally, I tried to pull them out but it was a two person process and I'm one person. I had to take her to the vet. They pulled out the bothersome fang. The next week the other fang broke off leaving a small part near the root. That fell out after a couple of days. I think I pulled out about 4 molars.

It's best to let them fall out if they will but in her case she was getting too agitated by the loose teeth to let them stay in so they had to be pulled. They were all loose enough so all you had to do was get your fingers on them and give a very gentle tug.
Reply:About 4-5 months. So far I've only found one tooth. There might be more lying around the house or swallowed.

girls myspace

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