Friday, October 23, 2009

Can it be that in humans teeth growing the third time?

Recently I have lost four teeth shortly after a visit to the dentist. They just broke apart and also one that had a gold crown. Now I have difficulties with chewing. I don't want a bridge or an implant and looking for an alternative.

Reflecting about it I came to the conclusion, that there must be another way and that it is possible that the missing teeth can grow anew.

I have heard that in China there is a tribe where they know how to grow third teeth. Anybody knows something more about it?

Don't tell me that this is not possible.

I was also told that there is no cure for Fibromyalgia, but I healed myself. I was told that the only way to repair an inguinal hernia is surgery, but I healed myself without surgery. So please only answer, if you have some positive information or a suggestion what I can try that my teeth grow new. (I'm over seventy and the remaining teeth are in good conditions. I am familiar with meditation and EFT and I will try with it, but will wait for answers.

Can it be that in humans teeth growing the third time?
What I know about it is that when we are born the cranial sutures are loose and there are spaces in the skull called fontanels, on the other end of the spinal column the sacrum is not fused with the hipbones. Because of this we might realize we are growing, the bones have not yet formed into their final position, and also because of this there is the maximum amount of energy freely moving along the Central nervous system (CNS). So around the age of 5, the cranial bones fuse (not really fused but they get tight), and from Psychology we also know the main elements of personality are formed. After the head takes shape in it's bony structure, then the body grows. The first set of teeth grow and form around the same time as the cranial bones set. the second set of teeth grow when the body is elongating, along with this comes puberty and formation of the hip girdle. When one stops growing then the hips are basically fused to the sacrum, one is an adult, the last wisdom teeth appear. Now one might see that the energy of growing has stopped, this energy is now going into building up the personality. I think that new teeth don't grow because there is simply not enough energy left over to do it, mostly because it's mainly being used to keep the structure of personality in place. So you know this, having healed from Fibromyaligia and hernia, that the healing resulted as a whole system change which was due to a reduction in the influence of personality.

I think that what you want to heal now is more difficult because growing stops after the cranial bones fuse and after the sacrum fuses. It's like the human body is a lightening rod, when one stands upright, it's the unique feature of being human and why upright is such an advantage: one can channel energy just like a lightening rod. But the problem is to get growing to happen in a system which is basically fused on both ends of the channel, the channel being the spinal column. It is my theory that if the bones can unfuse on the two ends then a great amount of energy is released from the structure of personality which is being held in place physically by the shape of the skull bones.

Then I think what you want is possible, but I do believe it takes a lot of free energy to get things to grow again, especially things like bones and cartiledge. Bones are the densest and deepest tissue in the human body and thus also transfer and carry the most amount of energy. To get this amount of energy as is the case in growing bodies before the aspects of personality are set, then one must go in reverse -- to become like a baby again. So it's the same thing here, healing takes place when elements of personality are reduced.

Another thing I think about with this, is that while we might want a certain thing: like new teeth, this might not be what your innate essence considers to be the most important aspect of your body to be healed. I think this is also why one has to build up the personality, put energy into it, even before one can be healed. It's like each thing has to take place step by step, and there is no way that we personally can figure out what that is. It might be that if you find a way to increase your energy, then that free energy is used in a more essential way by your body to increase your overall energy. It kind of goes back to the principles of electricity: electricity seeks the path of least resistance. But in the end it doesn't matter, one should try to grow new teeth or heal something alternatively, even if one doesn't get the result one wants the way one thinks one will get it, in the end the journey, the doing of it will heal you in the way that is most critical. I know this because I tried to heal my frozen shoulder, as this was giving me constant pain. i spend so many hours on trying to get that knot out of the trapezious muscle. I've been working with this for 22 months straight and now finally the knot comes out. Turned out this problem has to do with a structural defect in the skull and it was only by correcting that, that this problem starts to resolve. If there is a change in the shape of the skull bony structure, then later on this gets reflected and changed in the body. I found out in a practical way that having enough free energy to make a skull change took a tremendous amount of energy and these kinds of changes only started to happen very late in the healing I'm undergoing. This is because to change bone it needs a huge amount of energy such as is present in the growing force happening in babies.

But I'm not totally sure that one can spot focus and get enough energy. practical advise would be to try putting a cork in one's mouth - to hold one's mouth open and sit with this each day for a time to relax the masseter and other jaw muscles. In essence releasing tension here and increasing energy flow. You could also try doing acupressure to the acupoints on the skull. The EFT chin and nose are good, but they mostly work on the front teeth, look at the acupunture charts and do all the head points. But even this is not enough because one will find out that each tooth is associated with an energy flow in the lower body, and so there is often referred pain. A hip might hurt do to a problem in a molar, etc. so the whole body needs to be treated. Teeth decay in their certain unique areas because that path of energy flow has become restricted. So to regrow teeth one must most likely open all the parts of the body.

Reply:You can't be serious? Report It

Reply:I ensure you that I'm serious and I will continue investigating, although from dentists or health professionals I don't expect anything, they are all stuck in their professionalism. Report It

Reply:There is one health professional who is investigating:

although I can't do anything with it and so I will search a way for myself...

BeiYin Report It

Reply:It's rare, but it happens. It's probably genetic, which would explain why this happens to an entire tribe.
Reply:You obviously are adverse to listening to reason ,but as a Dentist I can tell you definitively the number of teeth you develop is determined in the embryo, and for humans it is a set of deciduous which you lose as they are replaced by a permanent set. And no amount of wishing otherwise will change that!

Reply:Scientists have been working for years trying to grow new things, and it has not been controlled or what we would call "successful" yet. It is a beautiful idea in theory, just not that easy in reality.

As mentioned, the reason a tribe can grow new teeth is most likely genetics, a defect of sorts, that is continually passed on. Unfortunately it is not so easy to just recreate someone's genes.

As for replacing that tooth, an implant is the closest thing to what God gave us originally. They feel and act just like a real tooth...and what is better is that they cannot get cavities or decay! Even if we could grow teeth, they take about 7-10 years to completely grow and mature. You could have in implant placed and functioning in 3-6 months.

I recommend, as a professional, to go with what we know works.
Reply:I am not sure how to make yourself grow a third tooth. But you could always go for a dental implant. Basically they place an abutment into your bone and then place a type of screw and then a crown on the screw. I'm sure some people have 3 sets of teeth it is probably very rare but Im sure possible. One thing you could check is your xrays. I've never come across a patient with 3 sets of teeth but I've seen things like extra molars and also people who are born without a permenant tooth. Best of luck to you and I would love to hear it if you do in fact find the answer you are looking for.
Reply:Have you any heard about Toronto blessing?If itś possible that,itś possible to have the third teeth.But how to do it?(And what about this: ?)


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