Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lost retainer and teeth starting to move? plz help! 10 points?

My dumb azz lost my retainer on Thursday and i wont be able to get a new one untill Tues and i cant already feel and see my teeth starting to move, do you think the Orthadonist will be able to fix this or will this just be how it is???

Lost retainer and teeth starting to move? plz help! 10 points?
Everyone's teeth move at different speeds, but you should be fine! I don't think there will be any drastic or irreversible damage in just a few days.
Reply:ok dont worry

i knwo i always lose my retaoiner and i lost it like 2 weeks ago. I found ti but the bottom is broken and pokes me when i wear it. the top is liek bearable to wear. I havent even called my orthodontist bc he hates me and i hate him plus it costs like $ much dinero for a new one so im trying to get my friends dad whos a dentist/ orthodontist to help me. I dont think they moved yet i just keep an eye on em' in the mirror although i feeel as if the bottom are moving. good luck but for that short a time i doubt theyll shift. good luck!
Reply:try to stick cardboard or something hard to keep them in place.
Reply:I think you're just worrying too much, don't do anything to it .. just leave it the way it is. And no, it's not going to move..probably just your immagination
Reply:Your teeth will move slightly, but it will take a lot longer than four days for them to go back to how they were. Or even start to. Once you get a new retainer you'll feel a little more pressure on the areas which have moved, but the retainer will fix that.
Reply:Go to your Authradontist and they would give you a new retainer. Make sure you don't oose there ones!
Reply:when you get ur retainer it will hurt at first but then it will shift them back where they should be. when I got my braces off, i ddin't get my retainer from my orthodontist weeks later and my teeth shifted a bit, then i put my retainer in and i hurt a lot but it put them back where they shifted back!

so ur okay they'll shift back
Reply:your new retainer should be able to fix the moving your teeth have already done. don't worry.

just don't lose the new retainer! =D


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