Friday, October 23, 2009

Does the Tooth Fairy keep your kids' teeth for the future, and if so, how? (adults only!)?

My son is about to lose a tooth or two and I'm wondering if you have kept your kids' teeth, and if so, how?

I'd like creative ideas on keeping them in the order they appear in the mouth with the dates they came out written somewhere.

PS: The "adults only" warning was just so you don't let kids read this if they happen to be with you. It's not THAT kind of "adults only"!!

Does the Tooth Fairy keep your kids' teeth for the future, and if so, how? (adults only!)?
For every tooth my children have lost they write a letter to the tooth fairy with the date on it and how it came out, whether they pulled it our the tetherball knocked it out (yes that did happen). They put the tooth in an envelope with the letter and the "toothfairy" takes it. I keep them in my sock drawer with the letter. I think it is a great idea to save your childrens teeth. My mother saved mine and it was such a neat experience to show my children that the toothfairy returned my teeth to me to show my children. Good luck and have fun!! :o)
Reply:thank god she keepin the broken one.what happen when she pull itself
Reply:We didn't keep any of ours -- I just didn't see any point to it. I mean, what are you going to do with them? It's not like to can set up a little shrine and keep them on display or anything, so they're just going to end up in the junk drawer or closet with the rest of the stuff you don't know what to do with...

I just didn't find any sentimental value or interest in them at all -- sorry.
Reply:How about if the tooth fairy were to purchase a small jewelry box that is sectioned off into little squares. The kind that have silk (or other fabric) liners would be a nice touch. She could make labels and put them above or in each square. Eventually she could cover all the squares with clear plastic, to preserve the teeth.
Reply:I keep my kids teeth each in old film canisters. I document which tooth was lost and when w/ a digital camera pic of their actual missing tooth in their mouth in hopes to scrapbook them when ALL teeth are lost.
Reply:well at my sons dentist office they gave him a tooth necklace to keep it in. my son is 6 and hasn't lost any yet, just use a small box, like a ring box.
Reply:When our son looses a tooth at home we tell him to take it to school with him and the school nurse gives him a treasure box, then we put the box under the bed. I take the tooth and I put money in the treasure box. Each tooth has their on treasure box. My son is special needs and one day he realized his teeth were leaving but not coming back so this last tooth he lost the tooth fairy returned all of his previous teeth with an apology not saying that she did not know they ment so much to him and she could live without out them. Now he feels bad that he robbed the toothfairy of her teeth so I told him the next time he looses on he can stick them all under his pillow. lol After that I don't know what I will say and do. lol
Reply:no. i am a child and know there is no such hing as the tooth fairy
Reply:My 5 yr old lost 2 of his bottom middle teeth which were his first baby teeth. The first one he placed in a glass of water and the tooth fairy gave him money we lost that tooth. So my son with his second tooth put it in a toy that had a gap for the tooth an "Over the hedge" toy. So now his tooth is safe and sound and a creative way to store his tooth. Baby diaries have the order the teeth appear and you insert the dates


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