Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Year Old Persian Cat has Lost his teeth?

I have a 10 year old Persian cat (indoor), who is in perfect health. With the exception of the occasional fur ball cough up. I was watching him eat tonight and noticed his front tongue coming out a lot. I picked him up and noticed he has lost all of his inicisors. His molars look good and his fangs too. He has not lost weight, is as active as ever and runs and plays like a kitten. What is the deal?

10 Year Old Persian Cat has Lost his teeth?
It's perfectly natural, they just fall out with age. As long as her gums don't look inflamed don't worry too much. Those front teeth are used mostly for grooming and the roots are very shallow. It won't affect her eating very much at all. I once had a cat who had to have all his teeth removed and he ate fine too.
Reply:they just fall out as they get older.....dont worry they will still be able to eat soft foods
Reply:People lose their teeth in old age and so do animals. No need to worry unless he starts to lose a lot of weight.
Reply:this happened to my cat wen she got old. i would take the cat to the vet in case of injuries etc. just in case
Reply:Well sorry to say your cat is getting old and is going to die so make his life as happy as ever okay
Reply:Dental Health and Oral Diseases in Cats

Dental disease affects cats as much as it does humans. A program of regular brushing, dietary controls, and regular teeth cleaning by your veterinarian can extend the life of your cat's teeth, prevent painful oral conditions in your cat, and ensure better overall health for kitty.
Reply:even a cat has it's age frame my dear

and too sad to say

10 years it's too old for a ca already

even grandma loses her teeth...


it's the natural sign

I wonder there is a fake teeth for cats...

but I am sure they won' t feel comfortable with it
Reply:thats persian named DARLIN I loved, she passed last year at the age of 18. she had no teeth at 12. kitten food is small and ok to his weight. mix his food with nutricious wet canned food..
Reply:It happened to mine at 12...The vet said it was probably due to malnourishment when he was a kitten and told me toswitch to the semi moist dry cat food so it wouldn't hurt him to chew. He is 14 now and doind great...

Too bad they can't get dentures like our human senior citizens LOL
Reply:your cat is getting old. man i was told the same thing when i was 30. that is a bummer when you are told that something is old.
Reply:Many cats/dogs lose those front teeth.Perhaps a dental is in order if he's never had one.
Reply:When was the last time this cat saw a vet? This is normal, responders? I've never had a cat lose a tooth and even had one live to 19 and he had all his teeth when he died. What on earth are you people feeding your cats if their teeth are rotting out?

FYI - hairballs are not normal. If you groom your cat regularly it won't ingest hair and won't have hairballs. I've had a Persian for a year and a half and he hasn't had ONE.

my cat

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