Monday, March 15, 2010

What is the reason, or reasons that people lose their teeth and have to use dentures?

Is it just hygene, and not brushing regularly?

What is the reason, or reasons that people lose their teeth and have to use dentures?
Sometimes it's tooth decay and gum disease, other reasons is calcium loss, bone loss, the bodys ability to regenerate bone growth, etc. Factors are age, malnutrition, pregnancy, heredity.
Reply:It could also be insufficient calcium in the diet, radiation treatments or other factors. However, most people have the biggest problems from failure to take care of their teeth.
Reply:Its both hygeine and genetics. Case in point my mother didnt take very good care of her teeth and by the time she was 19 she had dentures. I have always tryed hard to brush alot and I still have all my teeth at 35 except one which was severly damaged when I hit a mental pole. Take care of your teeth get all the calcium you can and eat less sweets.
Reply:Tooth loss is primarily due to periodontal disease. "perio" meaning "around' and "dontal" meaning "the tooth". Bacterial plaque that isn't removed by brushing sits on the teeth and becomes hardened over time. Calcium in our saliva bathes the plaque and calcifies it turning it into tartar. Tartar is a harder, chalk-like substance that can't be removed by brushing. Tartar needs to be removed by a dental hygienist or dentist. If tartar isn't removed, it builds up and packs in under the gumline and the gums become less attached to the tooth. Nice, tight, pink healthy, tartar free gums hold tightly to the teeth and protect the underlying bone. When tartar prevents the gums from adhering tightly to the teeth, the bone is not protected and the bacteria eat away at the bone. Eventually, so much boneloss occurs that there is nothing left for the tooth to hang onto and so it falls out.

The best way to avoid tooth loss is to brush twice daily and floss once daily and to have your teeth professionally cleaned at least every 6 months.......depending on how fast you grow tartar and what shape your gums are to start with. Bleeding gums is the number one sign of gum disease (which can range from mild gingivities to severe periodontal disease).

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