Sunday, March 14, 2010

Would you in your old age rather lose your teeth or hair?

and why?

Would you in your old age rather lose your teeth or hair?
hair bc then i can wear a hat or wig
Reply:hair because i can always wear a wig!
Reply:i'll probably lose both, so it doesnt matter!
Reply:my teeth :) i would wear fake ones :)
Reply:I'd rather lose my hair because I can always wear a wig.
Reply:teeth, false teeth aren't a big deal. Wigs are hot!
Reply:Hair because it grows back...teeth dont
Reply:Already losing both...good thing my fiance' is losing his sight. LOL

Because you need your teeth to chew and taste - believe it or not.

it's not big deal wear a wig.
Reply:I would say teeth they are much easier, better looking and cost friendly to replace with fake new ones that to try that hair re-growth stuff or wigs...
Reply:hair cuz its white an thinning anywayz an i could just buy a wig.. i like my teeth.. if i started losin em, id have a lisp .. haha
Reply:Hair i like to eat. and i need my teeth to do that .. with the food i like to eat.
Reply:Hair- because it has been the bane of my existence all my life.
Reply:Hair. I could so pull off that Mr. Clean look.
Reply:my hair...I can wear a hat.... I like to eat, so having good solid teeth are a must...can't have any dentures falling out when I try to eat... LOL
Reply:I'd rather loose my hair because looks are not everything. Eating and enjoying food is necessary to live.
Reply:I lost my teeth! lol.. actually my dentures look better then

the old ones.

I still have my hair... it's grey but still there
Reply:I go for the teeth..i can replace them with a real nice dentures %26amp; no one probably notice it with hair..pray it'll won't wind so hard..%26lt;^.^%26gt;
Reply:Hair, considering I've already been losing it in my young age - I've been balding since 17 or 18.
Reply:OMG none, i am so vain.
Reply:thats really a hard 1 because I want both. If I'm 90 I say hair
Reply:TEETH...becuase...uh you can get dentures!

Answer this:
Reply:Hair, I have too much, and the bald look can be cool.
Reply:Teeth or hair hm. well I guess it could go eithr way but I would rather loose neither. Luckily I am not going to have to make that choice. I would say teeth because I can get dentures and wigs itch I would say hair because teeth are very important to overall health and wigs are cheaper than dentures. O.K. hair because my teeth are very important to me and I guess they make non itchy wigs but dentures, I have seen what my mom has to go through with them so yuck
Reply:Bald is trendy to some people, toothless isnt too cool
Reply:Seeing as how I am 66 and some think that is old age, I'm

already losing my teeth. Told my husband to start carving.

Teeth and hair can both be replaced. Will be losing my hair

soon enough when it goes to 'Locks of love".

I forgot to ask, Elvis, what would your preference be?? Teeth or hair??
Reply:Although I don't want to lose either, I'd have to pick my hair. I could deal with wearing a wig, but I couldn't deal with not having teeth.
Reply:i would rather lose my teeth. growing back hair is nearly impossible and wigs are obvious. have you ever seen one of those hair replacement commercials?lol just make sure they put your name on your dentures. lol

acne scar

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