Monday, March 15, 2010

Do you have Periodontal disease? Have you lost any teeth?

This information will be used in a classroom only report in my dental assistant class.

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Do you have Periodontal disease? Have you lost any teeth?
I do not have Periondoontal disease. I am diabetic, and need to take care of my teeth a lot more than normal people without diabetes, but I haven't had any problems yet.
Reply:I have had periodontal disease, and have not lost teeth. The biggest problems for me came after having my teeth scaled...and now my enamel is very thin and looks cracked. I will have to have veneers in my future. Oh- and I had my teeth scaled about 7 yrs ago...and my last trip to the dentist I learned that I have it again- mild this time. I would like to know what causes it because I brush and floss daily- and have only had ONE cavity my entire life (this year) and I am 39!
Reply:The sooner you treat periodontal disease there better your chance at saving your teeth. Teeth are held in by the ligaments and the underlying bone, when periodontal disease strikes. it causes inflammation and separation of the ligament which creates a pocket between teeth and gum, giving the bacteria a chance to attach to the root surface, producing toxins and endotoxins that can destroy the bone supporting the tooth. The more advance the periodontitis the more severe the bone lost which can eventually lead to lost of teeth if not treated. Scaling and root planing is debridement of the toxins and bacteria on the root structure, it does not affect the enamel of the teeth. thereby removing the irritant causing the reattachment of the ligaments and tightening of teeth. people with periodontitis should be on a regular maintenance schedule to make sure the disease does not go out of control. There is a recent finding by Jorgen Schlatz periodontal patients can improve the gums significantly by rinsing with a mixture of water and regular sodium hypochloride.
Reply:I do have periodontal disease, and no I didn't lose any teeth yet. My dentist scaled my gums and I am taking some pills for periodontal disease that will remove the bacteria from my mouth. I am getting cured and now I floss everyday.

Visual Arts

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