My parents 7 months old terrier has lost 2 of its jaw teeth in 2 days.
Is it normal for a young dog to lose some of its teeth?
Very teeth.
Reply:It is very normal for all young dogs to loose their molars. New one will grown back in.
Reply:Dogs-like humans have "baby" teeth-as they mature these teeth do fall out and "adult" teeth grow in-
Reply:What are jaw teeth?!?
Yes, dogs lose their baby teeth and get adult teeth. It is a bit unusual for a 7 month old dog to still be loosing baby teeth, but it's possible. The last teeth to fall out are usually the molars - the large teeth at the back of the mouth.
Reply:yes, they're baby teeth. dogs lose them just like humans
Reply:Yes, puppies lose their teeth just like kids. Their "baby teeth" are called deciduous teeth. This is very normal. Just watch where you step b/c those little teeth are sharp.
Reply:Yes, they do lose their teeth, just like a child loses its baby teeth. I would though speak with your Vet at your next visit.
My dog has lost his baby teeth, as well. My vet said that it wasn;t a problem. Good Luck
Reply:Yes it is. They are just like babies. I would give the puppy ice cubes this will help with the teething.
Reply:Yes it is completely normal ofr this to happen. Just like humans they lose their baby teeth and get in adult teeth. We dont always notice it happen but it does happen to all dogs. And that is abouth the right age for it to start happening. Do not be alarmed it is fine.
Reply:Perfectly normal, though a little later than most. Most dogs have their adult teeth by the time they are 6 months old.
Reply:Absolutely... they lose their baby teeth just like humans do. You may notice that your puppy is chewing on things more... their gums get very sore when they are teething, and in response to that they chew. You can get them puppy teething toys from the pet store, which can help relieve their gums. Quite a few of them can go in the freezer so they have something cold to chew on. You can try Petco or Petsmart... they have a large selection of toys....
Reply:Yes it's normal, young dogs or puppies lose teeth just like people, and get their second teeth in.
Reply:It's kinda like children when they lose their teeth. Adult teeth will replace them. Usually dogs swallow them when they fall out but sometimes they don't. I remember when my dog was loosing her baby teeth and I found about 4 of them and she must have swallowed the rest.
Reply:it depends on which teeth they are,... puppies usually loose most of their teeth by the time they are 6 months old, the last ones to fall out are usually the canine (fang) teeth, there are 2 on the lower jaw and 2 on the upper jaw. If you have any concerns that the teeth were adult teeth (very large and solid) then take the dog to a vet, some infections can rot the roots of teeth out. If they were very skinny and pointed, they are probably baby teeth, just a little late in falling out. has the puppy been spayed/neutered yet? if not, when you take it in to a clinic ask the vet to look at the teeth, you can save the cost of an extra exam and still get the teeth checked out. Is the puppy still eatting and drinking, and playing with all the same toys as before? if there is pain you may notice a reduction in playing, or eatting not so enthusiastically.
Reply:Dogs are alot like humans. They loose all of their teeth (baby teeth) They generally loose their baby teeth at about 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes the baby teeth stay longer, but are pushed out by the permanent teeth coming in. Don't worry about it. It's normal. That's why they are always chewing on you or something else. lol
Reply:puppies lose teeth just like little kids do. he should get his permanent teeth all in by the time he's a year or a year and a half. make sure he has plenty of toys for teething, though.
Reply:yes. dogs lose their baby teeth very early.
Reply:Yes it's normal. Sometimes you'll find the teeth laying around in the house, other times they may swallow them. They lose the very pointy teeth that hurt when they nip at you and grow in teeth that aren't as rough. Just make sure you have plenty of toys for him to chew on so he doesn't get to any shoes or other items that you don't want him to ruin. They chew on things to help their gums feel better.
Reply:It is normal that the young dog to lose teeth. Like all of us, when we r a kid, we lost teeth too. So, dun worry...terrier will grow its teeth soon. Have a nice day ahead...
Reply:Don't worry they are just baby teeth! My 1 and 3 month old dog has a tooth missing (not baby tooth) and the vet said its ok too, since it's not an "important" tooth. So even as you puppy grows older, don't worry about a missing tooth or too. =]
Reply:yes my puppy lost about 10 teeth in about 1-2 weeks
Reply:duurrrr......they have to, because the mouth is geettting bigger and they get grown up teeth beacuse they have to, just like humans. durrr..
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