Sunday, March 14, 2010

My 8 year old has not lost any teeth 5 yera old lost two this normal for my 8 year old?


but yet

maybe not

get her x-rayed to see if her teeth r coming or if they r retained in her jaws or maybe they r erupting behind her primary teeth (which is not uncommon)'s better to check her now to take the correct measures..or else she might have difficulty with braces later on

My 8 year old has not lost any teeth 5 yera old lost two this normal for my 8 year old?
yes know go f yourself
Reply:all children develope at different rates, he will catch up, but check with a pedeatraic dentistt
Reply:i dont think it is a problem.the longer they took to lost teeth, the longer the permanent teeth last.nothing to worry,i think
Reply:they could just be a little late i would not worry unless they were ten or above then i would go have them checked out they just might be a late bloomer
Reply:i dont know about normal, but i was 7 or 8 before i started losing teeth, and i didn't even loose them all, i had to have a few pulled when i was 14.
Reply:I began losing my baby teeth when I was about 8. But, when I was about 14 and it came time for me to get braces my orthodontist said that I was dentaly retarded. He wasnt trying to be mean or anything... my teeth were just behind schedule. Then since I hadnt lost about 5 of my baby teeth I ended up having to get them pulled out. I would ask a dentist if youre really worried... but I dont think that there is anything for you to worry about. Not yet anyway. Just keep an eye out and make sure that the adult teeth are'nt trying to come in behind the baby teeth. I have a friend who is 32 years old and has a baby tooth inbetween his to front teeth... it looks bad.
Reply:i thnik you should take him to the dentist even if he/she hates the dentist just go for a check up or something because i lost alot f teeth when i was 8
Reply:My nephew was really late in losing his teeth, I think it's just normal for some kids. As long as your son is going for his check ups regularly he should be okay. Just mention at his next visit. I don't think a dentist will pull teeth unless the other ones are trying to come in under them.


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