Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cancer sore,bleeding gums roof of mouth sore (raw) ? am i going to lose my teeth?

Gargle with diluted peroxide. Be VERY carefull not to swallow any. See a doc to get on antibiotics. Either take a vitamen C suppliment or eat fruits like oranges and lemons. The Canker sore suggests you might have scurvy from lack of vitimen C. Quit eating things like popcorn which tend to get stuck in your gums. Brush more often.

No you won't lose your teeth from one infection. Repeated infections are a major contributer to cancer. Heart disease is another major problem of long term gum infections. In other words worry more about long term life expetancy than losing your teeth.

An infection like that CAN spread to your brain and to your heart and out into your bloodstream. So short term you can die from it as well. Get it treated.

Cancer sore,bleeding gums roof of mouth sore (raw) ? am i going to lose my teeth?
Cancer? you should see a doctor
Reply:Do you mean canker?
Reply:well if you are not brushing your teeth and also chewing(snuf), then you might have some problems there.
Reply:When is the last time you went to a dentist? Do you smoke/drink? If you have pre=cancerous leisions in your mouth I'd be more concerened with losing whole parts of my jaw and throat than just my teeth, go to a dentist maybe even an oral surgeon. Don't drink/smoke and realize that it will take time and effort to see improvment.

family nanny

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