Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I found some of my dog's teeth.......?

i know that dogs go through teething, however, for some reason i wasn't expecting to actually FIND his teeth on the floor.

so, he's losing his baby teeth and getting his adult teeth in....


like a human??/


I found some of my dog's teeth.......?
Exactly...My dog went through that when he was a puppy and it totally freaked me out! I found like 4 or 5 of them...in his food bowl, on the couch, one was even stuck in a toy! I thought something was wrong with him 'cause I didn't know about them actually LOOSING their teeth, but the vet said it was perfectly normal.
Reply:stop feeding him chocolate
Reply:Sounds like it. Just make sure he has plenty of things to chew on to get those teeth out and the new ones in.
Reply:Yes, you are right about this. Puppies lose their baby teeth as the adult teeth are pushing thru. Just like we do!!
Reply:Dogs loose thier teeth. I have found them in the water dish, stuck into toys, ect. If your dog is a puppy still, it's natural!
Reply:Yes, that is what is going on. Pups usually swallow most of their baby teeth. However, it is not uncommon for them to spit some of them out.
Reply:That is exactly right. They are also like humans in that each dog will loose his or her teeth at different ages. I have an english bulldog and we would find some of his baby teeth other times I thik he swallowed them. No worries. Just make sure that your puppy has lots to chew on or he'll chew on your furniture or shoes or something else that he is not suppouse to. If you want to see pictures of the cutest bulldog in the world you can check out his website at www.winstonwebster.aboutmybaby.com

acne scar

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