Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do kittens lose their teeth?

Yes, at around 4-5 months they loose their extremely sharp baby teeth and grow adult teeth, just like we do. They usually swallow the lost teeth (by accident) or occasionally you may find on on the ground.

Do kittens lose their teeth?
Reply:mine did
Reply:Yes... totally normal.

But watch out! The adult teeth hurt!!!!
Reply:if you punch them in the face...

i'm just joking- i would never punch a kitten...

As the kittens grow they lose their baby teeth and are replaced with adult teeth.

Just like puppies and humans and probably a lot of other animals
Reply:Yes they lose their baby teeth, at about 3 months old when their permanent teeth start to grow...
Reply:Yes they do, they are like humans they lose the baby teeth to get adult teeth then when they get old they may start loosing their adult teeth. Just like people
Reply:that was funny, if you punch them...... :) But definitely dont do that.
Reply:depending on the breed, age and the activeness...if you have a tabby 6 week old kitten that bites everything yes, but if you have a 6 week old tuxedo that sleeps all day then its not all depends on breed which effects their activity and also depends on their age, i know that both of my cats lots at least five of their teeth each...
Reply:I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing too young to use the phone. You can call any vet's office and ask all kinds of questions like this. I only tell you this in case you come to Yahoo Answers and ask - My cat is choking to death - what do I do?
Reply:Yes!! kittens have whats called "milkteeth" aka their baby teeth that will fall out just like children. They will grow adult teeth.
Reply:Yes but it's nearly impossible to notice........i have two of my cats teeth.
Reply:Kittens are like young children, they eventually lose theire "milk" teeth at around 4-6 months old
Reply:Absolutely. Just like humans, kitten and puppies have deciduous teeth. Around 3 months, the front teeth will come out, usually they swallow them and you don't see them. a few weeks later, they lose the premolars, the teeth up the side of the mouth, then the molars and lastly the canine incisors (the single sharp long ones next to the front teeth). Around 7 months, you should schedule an oral exam with your vet to ensure that all the milk teeth have come out as they can decay quickly once they are no longer required and can send the permanent teeth bad too.

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