Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do puppies lose there baby teeth like humans?

I gave my puppy a bone and his tooth broke wondering if he will get adult teeth eventually

Do puppies lose there baby teeth like humans?
Yes they do. Sometimes you will find them around the house and where they sleep. Mostly the dogs loose their teeth while crunching on their dog food and swallow them down.

Don't worry you didn't break your dog with that bone. Before you know it the new one will have replaced it.

I hope this helps good luck!
Reply:yup..dont worry
Reply:My cat did and she got new teeth, and I think a couple of my dogs came out, so I think that your puppy is fine :P
Reply:Yes, they do lose their teeth. Thanks goodness they do...those baby teeth are so pointy.
Reply:yes, I have found them on the floor. Make sure puppy has chew toys. Have fun!
Reply:Yes they do. They cut molars like us too.
Reply:he shure will.make shure he has plenty to chew on
Reply:Yes, they lose baby teeth. But, you should still have the dog checked out in case this was an adult tooth or in case there is something else going on.
Reply:Yes they do. Puppies will eventually loose their baby teeth and the permanent teeth will appear. Most of the dogs swallow their baby teeth when they are eating.
Reply:Yes they do loose their baby teeth... the teeth are of course smaller and softer. Did his tooth break or did he just loose it? Shouldnt have broke just from teething though.
Reply:Yep. I think all mammals do.
Reply:Yes, of course, would you think they keep the same little teeth all thier long lives? no, no.

All mammals loose 'baby teeth' and get adult teeth to last them a long time;

if they only had their little baby teeth in long life, larger animals such as tigers or others the like, would die, as you see, when the teeth break as they try to cut into larger food/ carcuses. your youthful friend is like and will be fine.
Reply:yup they do, I do belive it is about age 4-6 months! But yes they do lose their teeth!
Reply:Yes. This also means they teethe like babies. Make sure he has plenty to chew on, or it will be your furniture. This stage can last months.
Reply:yes, all puppy lose there teeth like humans. sometimes you will not see them lose there teeth. we found 1 tooth from my dog and he has all of his adult teeth. we think they swallow them or eat them.
Reply:Yes, I have a miniature pinscher, and I found several on the floor when she was a puppy. Give your puppy lots of chew toys, I even bought her one of those teething rings for babys and she loved it. One of her baby canine teeth did not fall out and her adult tooth came in, so she had a double row with one tooth, but the vet removed it when she got spayed and microchiped.
Reply:Yes. Don't worry about baby teeth; just wear long sleeves until he gets his adult teeth, and don't let him grab your hair. I wouldn't discipline a puppy for chewing on you while he has baby teeth. They do it to their mothers too. But if he growls and bites, you'd better show him who's the alpha member of the pack.
Reply:Yes, I have a Weimaraner and a Yorkie, they both lost baby teeth and got adult teeth :-)
Reply:Save the baby teeth. They'll bring you good luck.
Reply:Puppies do lose their teeth. Usually around 5 months, they will lose them and new ones will grow in shortly after. Sometimes you don't even notice when they lose them.
Reply:Yes, they lose their teeth just like we do as little ones

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Teeth problems!?

okay so I lost a tooth a long time ago (a year) and now its just barely starting to come in help! it only moves about a tenth of a centimeter every 4 months. how can i get it to come in faster because if i could get my tooth to come in all the way i would have a perfect smile

Teeth problems!?
you just need to wait, there is no process to speed it up and if you force it, you may even get it to come out crooked. Just check on it once in a while and wait so it grows naturally. Then you will have a perfect smile :D

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Dog teeth falling out?

we have a 4 month old puppy and she lost a tooth today is it to early for them to lose them.

Dog teeth falling out?
Dont worry - this is completely normal. Try putting her favorite chew toys in the freezer. They love the cold sensation on their swollen gums just like teething babies do. My dobermann loved her Kongs frozen with something tasty inside. Kept her occupied for ages and stopped her chewing valuable items.
Reply:I think it's OK, be prepared for some changes in your dog behaviour, especially some licking and mouthing.
Reply:No thats perfectly normal for her age.
Reply:This is normal, shes just losing her puppy teeth and getting her adult teeth, the same way humans do.
Reply:no that's ok it does start around that time depending on the breed
Reply:They loose their baby teeth between 4-6 months of age.
Reply:no it is fine.. dont worry..:) mine lost hers from 3 months and the last one finally fell out at 7 months...
Reply:no - me girl started to lose her "puppy teeth" a little before then. give her lots of chews as pups are just like babies in the repect of teething pains. We've always given lots of chew toys and brush our dogs teeth on a weekly basis. If you get them used to it at an early age you dont have a huge ordelle as they get older
Reply:Sounds normal to me , i'm sure my dog was that age when she lost hers
Reply:No, as long as it is natural. meaning not when the pup is playing tug a war or something that would make the tooth fall out.
Reply:She's teething! It's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Puppies lose their baby teeth, just like we lost our baby teeth, when we were babies, to make room for the permanent teeth to come in. Alot of times, they swallow the teeth, so you don't even know they are missing.
Reply:she is just loosing her puppy teeth. at about 1- 1 1/2 yrs. of age she will start to loose her back molders. you may find them on the floor. they look like tooth caps.
Reply:Perfect age. They cut their permanent middle incisors at 4 months, so the baby (deciduous) teeth are shed to make room for the permanent teeth. By 5 months all the permanent incisors are in. the permanent canines come in at 6 months, replacing those needle-sharp baby ones. the premolars and molars (cheek teeth) are all coming in during those 2 months also. By 6-7 months the pup should have a full mouth of teeth. Permanent teeth are heavier and not as pointy as baby teeth. Some dogs, usually the smaller breeds, don't shed their baby teeth like they should, and you might see two teeth, a strong big white permanent and a sharper, narrower baby tooth, occupying the same spot. The baby teeth MUST come out for the permanents to grow in straight and correctly. If the baby teeth don't all shed by 6 months, have them removed.

Your pup is still growing (and old enough to be spayed....) at six months so she still needs to chew on things for the growing jaw bones, help keep those teeth growing in straight. At 6 months a pup is about 60% of its total size. That's rule of thumb--doesn't hold for all dogs of any breed, but it's a good estimate.
Reply:puppies lose their teeth between 4-6 months so I wouldn't worry
Reply:no really my pup is 7months and lost her first tooth at 4months your lucky u found it most dogs swollow them
Reply:That is pretty early you should ask a vet.
Reply:sounds pretty early , bring it to the vet ,

it's better safe then sorry ,

good news is it's a pup so it'll grow back


Do kittens lose thier baby teeth like dogs do? I just found a tooth!?

I just found a tooth in my bed next to where my 5 moths old kitty was sleeping. I checked her mouth and it appears to be one of her back teeth. Im assuming this is normal, but I would like to double check. Im sure Im just being a paranoid mom.

Do kittens lose thier baby teeth like dogs do? I just found a tooth!?
Yes. I had 4 kittens who all lost their baby teeth at one point. I was only able to find two of them. I have no idea where the others went, maybe they swallowed them. It's totally normal and I think it's cute.
Reply:Yep, they change the babyteeth around that age. Don't worry, she'll grow the new ones soon.

Take care of her!
Reply:Yes they do, between 5-7 months old.
Reply:yes they do

I found a tooth too
Reply:Yes! They do lose teeth. I am at that stage with my kitten too. Except it's loose right now but hasn't fallen out. It freaks me out though because I never seen any of my cats actually lose a tooth before. Plus my kittens breath smells like garbage...so I hope he's not having problems.
Reply:Our little kitten lost a tooth too my sister found it i think its normal .dont worry put it under her kitty pillow so the kitty tooth fairy can leave her a kitty treat lol
Reply:Kittens start to lose their baby teeth at about 3-3.5 months old, and usually have all of their adult teeth fully erupted by 6-7 months old. They lose their incisors (front teeth) first, then the canines (fangs )come in, and last the molars (back teeth), so it sounds like your cat is right on schedule :)
Reply:well at least you found it, my kitten lost hers when she was munching on my finger one day...I took my hand away after a particularly nasty bite and the tooth was stuck in my finger....very not fun. so yeah it's normal.
Reply:Yes... kittens loose their "baby teeth" just like us. I know how you feel - I too freaked out when this happened to one of my cats ohhhh eons of years ago when I didn't know cats have baby teeth too.

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Should I brush my kittens teeth?

Charlie is 31/2 months...on the verge of losing his baby teeth

Should I brush my kittens teeth?
Yes, you can brush a cat's teeth.

Here is a wonderfully detailed video to show you how to get started.

Charlie will have excellent dental health because you are such a caring kitty caretaker.

Purrs to you and Charlie.
Reply:Hi Charliebaby,

You are so welcome. Give Charlie a chin scratch from me.


Patty Report It

Reply:is he 2 years old or 31 or what? yeah you can wipe them but you can also get dental biscuits
Reply:well yes because just like us their teeth hurts also although it smells horrible
Reply:yes get him started as soon as you can get him use to it, you should do this about once a week preferably but if you can only do it once a month it should be alright, just don't let it go beyond that.
Reply:No, the cat can swallow the toothpaste and it is very harmful.
Reply:No you dont have to. There is cat food with tarter control.
Reply:yes, you should brush his teeth. It will also make his breath smell good. I brush my cats teeth once a week. I have been doing it since he was a kitten and now he is 3 years old. It has become a routine for us.


Question on new kitten and her adult teeth?

My kitten is 19 weeks old. I got her almost 3 weeks ago %26amp; recently learned about brushing her teeth. It appears 2 me that she has 2 sets of upper canines, which I'm almost sure she didn't have a couple weeks ago. I wonder if that could be the cause of the recent, very occassional, grinding/clicking noise I hear. Should there be a 'layover' period for losing the baby teeth? I have tried to scour the internet for pictures that would help, but I've found nothing. Her breath doesn't smell, %26amp; she has free feeding of wet %26amp; dry food, %26amp; chooses both, %26amp; has been fetching %26amp; chomping on her toys as usual (so I'm hoping she's not in pain). I feel a little ill, waiting until Monday 2 go 2 a vet, but I'm looking for some advice in the meantime... She has an apppointment @ the ASPCA to be spayed this week, but they are only able 2 do a spay on site (I had 2 wait bcause her health was so bad when they rescued her she couldn't handle a surgery). However, I don't know if 2 surgeries is a good idea

Question on new kitten and her adult teeth?
It is just a simple jank to take out baby teeth that are inhibiting the adult teeth as they are ready to come out anyway.

So that will not be a separate surgery. I would call the ASPCA as soon as you can to verify this information. A vet should look at her before she goes in for her spay.
Reply:I know that cats do lose baby teeth, and sometimes the new ones don't line up properly and will not push the baby ones out. It's nothing to panic about, but if the teeth haven't come out by Monday I would see a vet just to be safe. They may have to be removed; talk to the vet about the spaying and see what he/she says about two procedures in one week. It really depends on whether or not they would need to use anaesthetic to get the baby teeth out. But if she's acting normally, don't worry about it. She'll be fine until next week.
Reply:The grinding and clicking noise, in addition to the constant licking, flicking of the tongue along the teeth is indicative of loose tooth. I provide straws, cardboard boxes, and feed only dry food and hard treats to help my kittens naturally lose those baby teeth.

I don't see anything wrong with going through with the spaying procedure unless your kitten is ill. From your details, it does not sound like your kitten is going through any teething problems at the moment.

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Lost retainer - moved teeth?

My teeth aren't crooked or anything they just kind of moved in direction, not angle. If you know what I mean. The right half (my right) moved inwards and a little to the left so two of my teeth are kind of overlapping. If I get a new retainer, this is something it will fix, right? I'm kind of scared to go back to the orthodontist because they're really stern. ):

Lost retainer - moved teeth?
I tend to neglect wearing my retainer, and so I know from experience...

Yes, your teeth are shifting, and they can get worse over time. Go get a new retainer and fix the problem. It may hurt to wear it the first few nights because it is working at shifting your teeth back. You paid the money to wear the braces, fix them now before the shift too much!
Reply:If you go to the orthodontist they should be able to give you a new retainer for a fee, and it's pretty likely that your teeth will go at least most of the way back as long as you commit to wearing your retainer all the time for a while. It will be painful though like braces part 2.
Reply:Well, if your teeth are OVERLAPPING, then you might need some adjustments to your retainers.. thus you'd have to make contact with your orthodontist.I recommend doing something soon though before you have to get braces again in the future

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Do schnauzers loose their puppy teeth and get an adult set?

My four month old dog is missing her two front teeth. Is this normal? Is she just losing her puppy teeth?

Do schnauzers loose their puppy teeth and get an adult set?
lol. don't worry it's normal. in fact she may lose some without you even noticing because sometimes when they play they lose their teeth and the swallow them accidentally. But yes it's normal, just because schnauzers are small breeds does not mean they don't follow the same maturing patterns that other dogs do.

best of luck, enjoy your new sweetie!!!
Reply:all dogs loose their baby teeth and grow an adult set of teeth
Reply:This sounds normal. They'll have their adult set that should come out soon. Best of luck to you.
Reply:Yes.She is probably just losing her baby teeth it is nothing to be worried about
Reply:The proper name for baby teeth is deciduous teeth. I'm not sure about adult teeth, but I would imagine....adult teeth? Yes it is true they will lose their deciduous teeth...they just fall out. Sometimes they don't and you have to have them pulled. Good luck to you!
Reply:yes this is normal in all pups and they are puppy teeth and adult teeth

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I found some of my dog's teeth.......?

i know that dogs go through teething, however, for some reason i wasn't expecting to actually FIND his teeth on the floor.

so, he's losing his baby teeth and getting his adult teeth in....


like a human??/


I found some of my dog's teeth.......?
Exactly...My dog went through that when he was a puppy and it totally freaked me out! I found like 4 or 5 of them...in his food bowl, on the couch, one was even stuck in a toy! I thought something was wrong with him 'cause I didn't know about them actually LOOSING their teeth, but the vet said it was perfectly normal.
Reply:stop feeding him chocolate
Reply:Sounds like it. Just make sure he has plenty of things to chew on to get those teeth out and the new ones in.
Reply:Yes, you are right about this. Puppies lose their baby teeth as the adult teeth are pushing thru. Just like we do!!
Reply:Dogs loose thier teeth. I have found them in the water dish, stuck into toys, ect. If your dog is a puppy still, it's natural!
Reply:Yes, that is what is going on. Pups usually swallow most of their baby teeth. However, it is not uncommon for them to spit some of them out.
Reply:That is exactly right. They are also like humans in that each dog will loose his or her teeth at different ages. I have an english bulldog and we would find some of his baby teeth other times I thik he swallowed them. No worries. Just make sure that your puppy has lots to chew on or he'll chew on your furniture or shoes or something else that he is not suppouse to. If you want to see pictures of the cutest bulldog in the world you can check out his website at www.winstonwebster.aboutmybaby.com

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Guinea Pig Lost Front 2 Teeth?

I took my guinea pig to the vet today after advice from yahoo answers and guinea lynx after I found his front 2 teeth unaligned and looking broken:


They examined him to see if he needed the teeth to be cut or somehow realigned, but then while examining they said the teeth were broken and practically fell out in their hands.

Does this pose any new problems for me because I imagine it does. My piggy is probably in less pain because with broken teeth he probably was hurting. I'm glad its taken care of and Ive taken the precaution to get him that Oxbow Critical Care with a syringe, but I'm scared about any other problems that may occur.

Has this happened to anyone else and what have you done about it? Also what precautions should I go through? Is there anything new I should worry about now that he doesn't have front teeth??? I really want my piggy to be comfortable and eating right so please any suggestions would be very helpful!!!

Guinea Pig Lost Front 2 Teeth?
That's wonderful that you got your piggie into a vet! Kudos to you!

I'll give you my own personal experience with piggie teeth. Two of my four boys have had somewhat recurrent teeth problems ranging from crooked, broken teeth, to completely missing teeth. Firstly, rodent's teeth are constantly growing, so with proper care and nutrition, their teeth should start to grow back almost right away. It took about two weeks for my boys to have their front teeth back to normal. I attributed my pig's teeth problems to lack of vitamin C, and I upped their red pepper intake. It seemed to help. If I were you, I would want to try to figure out why the teeth became misaligned to begin with. How long have you had your pig? Has he had this problem before, or was this the first time? If this is a recurrent problem, I'd talk to your vet about it to see if taking an xray might be worthwhile to rule out any jaw problems. Hopefully, this will only be a one-time thing, and once his new teeth start growing in they'll be straight and beautiful *wink*.

In the meantime, your pig may need help eating. It's great you're prepared to syringe feed - you may need to do that for a bit until he's able to get a hold of pellets and food himself. Just keep an eye on him and watch to see what he's able to handle himself. I have a pig right now who's missing one front tooth, and he's managed to get along just fine on his own while it's growing back. If you have a food scale, weigh your pig to monitor his weight. Watch his behavior to see if you notice any changes - changes could indicate pain, which can be helped with medication. Personally, though, I'd keep to this as a last resort.

You're doing great! Hang in there - I'm sure your boy will pull through just fine.

EDIT - Critical Care is AWESOME for recovering piggies, too. While mixing it with water is great, you can also try mixing it with juices, like sugarfree cranberry juice, apple juice, or pedialyte, if your pig starts to get finicky about it. You may also want to syringe him water as well if he's having any problems accessing his water bottle.
Reply:one of my guinea pigs teeth fell out shortly after i first got her. had to hand feed her, but it grew back fairly quickly. it hasn't happened again since (it was about 3 yrs. ago).

just make sure you are feeding him often enough. the oxbow critical care it great by the way.
Reply:Poor piggy! I think they might grow back... I'm interested in this question... my pigs never had that happen... You should worry about his intake of fiber, unless of course that oxbow stuff includes it..
Reply:Did they give him some pain relief? I imagine it would hurt alot and eating would only make it hurt more, the gums are probably quite red and aggravated too. I would have asked about giving him some metacam (pain relief), maybe you could ring back and quiz them about whether or not he should have it. Buttercup was on 0.14ml of metacam 3 times a day for 3 days and then 2 times a day for 4 days because we suspected she was in pain, in the end the vet did not know what it was but the pain has since subsided.

How is he eating and drinking? If he is not eating and drinking you need to hand feed him. Critical Care is fantastic, basically it is a supplement and works well with ill guinea pigs as it gives them an appetite, you need to make it into a tea concentration. It may be a good idea to use Critical Care regardless of whether he is eating or not, just to sooth everything and to give him an appetite.

His teeth should grow back farely quickly, I am just worried that he can not eat and drink properly.
Reply:i had a piggy with really bad teeth - they fell out all the time - but its okay because their teeth constantly grow. In a week they should be a lot longer. Don't worry, they usually end up okay:) mine lost both top and bottom, and he still ate fine :) if you're worried then just feed yours some kiwi, it's soft, they love it, and...it will make them feel better? :P anyway good luck!
Reply:like adelina said, hand feed him, make sure he eats, he won't be able to shell sunflower seeds very well.

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Puppy Teeth Missing???

My puppy who is almost 5 months old is losing his bottom teeth!!!!!! Is this normal????I'm freaked out and I am confused about this.HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Puppy Teeth Missing???
Completely normal. Dogs have two sets of teeth like humans. Don't fret.
Reply:Of course it's normal.. They lose their sharp puppy teeth and they are replaced with their not so sharp, but alot bigger, adult teeth.
Reply:Very normal. He will get another set, just like people do. Provide him with lots of safe chew toys; nylabones, Kongs etc as he will be teething until he's a year or so old, now.
Reply:Just like kids loose their teeth, and grow in adult teeth, pups do too. It is normal for him to loose the baby teeth, and he will soon grow in bigger adult teeth.
Reply:That is normal. Just like children, puppies have to loose their baby teeth to get their adult teeth! Sometime you will find them around the house somewhere, but sometimes they accidentally swallow them!... Either way is normal.... Good luck! : )
Reply:It's normal, it also means he should be neutered in the next month or so. Not to fret, he'll grow his adult teeth in shortly. :
Reply:yeah just like people they loose their baby teeth
Reply:Puppies do start to lose their teeth around 4 months old but you should be able to see the new nubs of the adult teeth coming in soon after the puppy teeth fall out. Check his gums for nubs and if you don't see any have the vet check him out.
Reply:It's normal for puppies and kittens to loose teeth just like young children loose baby teeth... it's just most of the time we don't see the process becuase their teeth is usually small and we don't see it fall out 9 times out of 10 the animals usually swallow it....
Reply:Perfectly normal. Dogs have 2 sets of teeth, their puppy teeth which fall out and their adult teeth which will grow in as the puppy teeth fall out. The puppy teeth will probably get swallowed which is no big deal but you may be on the lookout for those little teeth on the floor.
Reply:Hes getting his big teeth.... ya its normal... he is now getting big strong teeth so now he will be able to play tug-a-war with sticks and eat harder food and bite the mail man and the mail man wont think its that cute anymore..... but ya its normail... their will be teeth again
Reply:If you find them, you might leave them for the doggy tooth fairy. LOL But, like everyone said, it is normal. Kudos to you for being a caring mom.
Reply:Please stop hitting your pets in the mouth.

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Should I get my senior dogs teeth cleaned?

I have a 14 year old Chihuahua/Beagle mix named Trixie, and her teeth have become really bad. They were cleaned when I first got her 3 years ago from the shelter, and she ended up losing a front tooth. I know she needs them cleaned again, but I worry about having her put under anesthesia. She is a very healthy dog and doesn't act her age, but she does have epilepsy which is treated by phenobarbitol. I know having bad teeth can lead to a bad heart, but I would hate to put her in harms way by having her put under! What should I do?

Should I get my senior dogs teeth cleaned?
Definitely get them cleaned. As dogs are living longer and longer, vets are becoming very experienced at dealing with animals in their teens. There are safer anaesthetics now, not just for older dogs but for sensitive ones (like sighthounds) and ones with short faces (like boxers or pugs).

Bad teeth produce toxins that circulate throughout the body. This not only is bad for the heart, but it makes the dog's liver and kidneys do extra work trying to filter out the crud. A senior dog's liver and kidneys become less efficient with age, so they're taking on a bigger job just when they are becoming less able to handle it. Most older dogs die of some combination of liver and kidney failure. This is serious.

Talk to your vet about the anaesthetic and any other concerns you may have, including any possible interaction with her seizure meds. S/he'll be able to say for sure whether a tooth cleaning would be advisable for your dog. But if it's at all possible, do try to have it done. My senior Greyhound had his done, and I swear he acted five years younger once the tenderness went away! %26gt;({|:-)
Reply:get a doggie toothbrush and toothpaste - from your vet or a pet store. it helps alot and its better so your dog wont have any risks of something bad happening when her teeth are being cleaned at the vet

Reply:well i have one question for u before i can answer. what type of anesthesia does ur vet use. because i have an 9 year old dog who has a heart murmur and he doesnt wake up to easily with injections of anesthetics but we recently took him to a different vet for his teeth cleaning and they use a form of gas anesthesia. it is a gas mask they put on him. he falls asleep, and when they r done or feel like he has been under too long they just take the mask up and he wakes up a few minutes under. so if ur vet uses and injection to anesthetize her then i wouldnt do it. my dog almost died because of it and we switched vets because one he didnt care and two he never told us he had a heart murmur. injection ansthesia is more risky because u give them a set dose and wait for it to run out of their system where as the gas form goes through their body as needed and can be taken away and it is easier to wake up so find a good vet that uses this. it is much safer for the animal. i mean they breathe it in and out it is as simple as that. it takes a few minutes for them to breathe it all out once the mask is taken off. so good luck.
Reply:as well as her eyes checked as well, and I hope Trixie does well!
Reply:Discuss this with your vet. And if you dont like the answer he gives you find another.

I had a older dog years ago who wasnt much larger than a chihuahua. I had his teeth cleaned, they had to put him under for this. He didnt do too well. He didnt die or anything, but i thought he was going to. But in my case (In my opinion) it was because the Vet i took him to was absolutely horrible and shouldnt have been treating a roach much less anything else.

Find a good vet who knows what they are doing and im certain your dog will come through it just fine.
Reply:YES, more than ever. Modern anesthesia is much gentler and if you have any concerns you need to voice them to your vet. I would take her to a vet that is board-certified in dentistry. You will actually save money since during the cleaning if there is any work to be done, as is probable since she hasn't had a cleaning in YEARS, then it can be done right there and then instead of first going to a regular vet and then referring her to a dental vet and making her go through it again - and having you pay for it again. My cat was found to have a broken tooth way in the back, which the regular vet had not been able to see, and the dental vet fixed it then and there.

Toothpaste and toothbrush are fine for maintenance but your dog needs more than that since she hasn't had her teeth cleaned. Do make an appointment. My 18-year old cat had failing kidneys and came through her dental cleaning with flying colors.

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I have a bad case of peridontal disease. How will I know if I'm going to lose my teeth?

Also does anyone know where I can get an affordable dental insurance plan that will accept the self employed?

I have a bad case of peridontal disease. How will I know if I'm going to lose my teeth?
periodantal disease is usually slow progressing if its due to poor oral hygiene ie,presense of subgingival calculus deposits.periodic scaling once in 6 months and sub gingival root planning treatments and flap surgical procedures l save ur teeth.on dental x rays the severity of the tooth supporting bone indicates the chance of tooth loss.so go to a general dental practioner r a periodontist as early as possible to save ur teeth...
Reply:when they start falling out.
Reply:Most places take payment plans. Even if it's Western dental peridontitis is NO joke. You need to have a deep gum cleaning
Reply:Whether or not you lose your teeth depends on the severity of the periodontal disease and the extent of the bone loss you already have. Unfortunately, once you lose bone you cannot get it back. You can only keep the disease from progressing any further. In order to do this, you need a periodontal debridement by a dental hygienist or periodontist. Home care is also very important--no matter how good of a cleaning you get, you have to brush and floss properly to see results. Good luck to you!

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My daughter's two front teeth fell out?

about a month and a half ago. Her replacement teeth are still not showing in her gums. Shouldn't they be growing by now? Has anybody's teeth not grown in after losing their baby teeth? Maybe I'm worrying for nothing, but any input would be helpful. Thanks for any help.

My daughter's two front teeth fell out?
I assume you're talking about upper front teeth.

Sometimes it will take a while for the adult teeth to erupt - they are quite large. I would wait a minimum of 3 months before getting it checked out with an Xray.

Possible causes are:

1. The skin has toughened up quickly and is preventing the teeth from breaking thru. This often happens when baby teeth are lost early due to blow to face (falling over etc). I then wait till the front teeth are visibly stretching the gum, and make a simple incision with a scalpel. Very easy.

2. There is an extra tooth formed between the front teeth. These are called mesiodens and are just a genetic aberration. They would show up on Xrays as a very small tooth, and can be extracted normally.
Reply:It takes time...is she getting enough calcium? milk etc...?taking her to the dentist is no harm either...
Reply:don't worry they will come, I have known kids to go over a year before the new tooth came in!!
Reply:If you are truly worried, take her to the dentist and they can take an xray to show the teeth under the gums are there, just not breaking thru the gums yet.


Do root canals really work?? I have heard so many horror stories from people who have lost permanent teeth...

Hi there,

I had a root canal done once and when the time came to push that rubber stuff up into my tooth or whatever he was doing, he hit what nerve was left and I jumped 50feet outta my chair. After going thru all of that , 3 years later I ended up having to have the tooth pulled because if there is no nerve the tooth will die sooner or later. So back to the dentist I go, he pulls the tooth and 3 months later after everything had healed he put in a merlin bridge at the cost of 600.00 dollars (cdn) and it's only fell out a few times. This last time it fell out I didn't have the money or the nerve to go back to the dentist to have it put back in. It's been 6 months now since i fell out and I hope he can still put it back in my mouth. Next time it's suggested to me to have a root canal...hell can freeze over first, I'll just get er yanked! Be done with it once and for all!

Do root canals really work?? I have heard so many horror stories from people who have lost permanent teeth...
Sometimes there is no choise whether or not to have a root canal clearing procedire.

If you have an infection (rotting) in your tooth tissue you have to clear it ol loose the tooth. If there is very little cavity, your dentist can clean it and just patch it up with the filling. However, if the infection went deep enough, clearing the infection might involve killing the tooth's nerve. The nerve of the tooth lives in the softer tissue. Once this tissue is affected by infection you cannot keep the tissue, and you cannot keep the nerve.

Your dentist will (and should) always try to avoid the procedure, if possible. Somethimes they will tell you "it is close to the nerve, but you might be lucky." The tooth without nerve doesn't receive the nutrients from the gum anymore. It is basically dead after the nerve is removed. It becomes a lot weaker. This is why many dentists offer to put some extra structural support when the nerve is removed.

If dentist did a bad job and didn't clean the infection thoroughly - this is when you get on eof those horror stories with swallen cheeck, terrible pain and so on.

Once there is a neccesity for a root canal, it is too late to ask if it "works" or not. Your choises are limited to trying to save the tooth by trying the root calnal or removing the tooth alltogether.

Sorry, I'm no comfort...
Reply:i too had heard the horror stories and when i was told i needed one, my initial response was "just pull it then". but, my dentist told me why i should keep it and he did a fabulous job. been at least ten years now and never had any problems with it or the crown.
Reply:Well, they didn't necessarily lose their permanant tooth, they are keeping it, but are taking out the nerve in the root and replacing it with Gutta Percha (a rubber like substance). Sometimes the tooth might be so decayed they will also need a crown.

I would love to know what horror stories you are talking about, I would think it be more horrific for people to deal with the pain of a dying root, or decay that is causing a toothache!
Reply:Root canals are about 95% successful. Usually, root canals tend to fail because the patient doesn't follow up with a crown.

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Is it normal for a 17 yr old girl to still have 2 baby teeth and lose one of her baby teeth?

I am 17 this yr and have 2 baby teeth left.one is dropping.Is it normal.If the baby teeth really drop,how long does it takes for the adult teeth to grow out,considering the fact that i am 17 years old this year.

Is it normal for a 17 yr old girl to still have 2 baby teeth and lose one of her baby teeth?
All baby teeth shuld fall out by the age of 11 to 1 years...some stay in longer than usual.. The reason they stay in longer is that the adult tooth may be missing under the babay tooth or the adult tooth is grwoing out in a wrong position. I would get an xray taken and see a dentist who will advise you about what to do. If the roots of the adult teeth have already fully formed and they are still not out in your mouth, it will be difficult for it to grow out on its own and you may need braces for this.

See your dentist for the best advice.
Reply:do no woorry yes its normal
Reply:Hi there, normally, your baby teeth should have all been shed by the time you reach 12 years of age.

Therefore its not normal for you to retain them until you are 17.

The reason that they are still there could be because your permanent teeth took a pathological path of eruption and now you have a not so pretty set of teeth,


it could be because your permanent teeth failed to mature sufficiently


it could be because they failed to even form in the first place.

Having baby teeth at an age when you should be having permanent teeth will cause problem because baby teeth are smaller in dimensions and so will affect your occlusion, affecting the way u bite.

Also, baby teeth are thinner in enamel than permanent teeth and so they will be worn off earlier than normal permanent teeth.

The result is that you will get more sensitive teeth over time.

My suggestion to you is that you should not do anything unless it is affecting you or the way u look.
Reply:ermz they were supposed to have dropped off when you were around 12...
Reply:i think you should have your permanent teeth by now
Reply:My last milk tooth fell out when I was 14. If you are worried, go to the dentist and he should be able to see if there is anything wrong.
Reply:some people retain a baby tooth long into their adult years. sometimes the adult tooth does not form and drop into it's intended space and the baby tooth is reattained. for some people this is completely normal. to find out if you are one of these people have your dentist take a xray to determaine if your permanent tooth just hasn't formed yet.


Cancer sore,bleeding gums roof of mouth sore (raw) ? am i going to lose my teeth?

Gargle with diluted peroxide. Be VERY carefull not to swallow any. See a doc to get on antibiotics. Either take a vitamen C suppliment or eat fruits like oranges and lemons. The Canker sore suggests you might have scurvy from lack of vitimen C. Quit eating things like popcorn which tend to get stuck in your gums. Brush more often.

No you won't lose your teeth from one infection. Repeated infections are a major contributer to cancer. Heart disease is another major problem of long term gum infections. In other words worry more about long term life expetancy than losing your teeth.

An infection like that CAN spread to your brain and to your heart and out into your bloodstream. So short term you can die from it as well. Get it treated.

Cancer sore,bleeding gums roof of mouth sore (raw) ? am i going to lose my teeth?
Cancer? you should see a doctor
Reply:Do you mean canker?
Reply:well if you are not brushing your teeth and also chewing(snuf), then you might have some problems there.
Reply:When is the last time you went to a dentist? Do you smoke/drink? If you have pre=cancerous leisions in your mouth I'd be more concerened with losing whole parts of my jaw and throat than just my teeth, go to a dentist maybe even an oral surgeon. Don't drink/smoke and realize that it will take time and effort to see improvment.

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Is it normal for kitten to be 5 1/2 months old and lose their teeth?

Yes this is about the age the kitten will lose his/her baby teeth to make way for the adult teeth.

Is it normal for kitten to be 5 1/2 months old and lose their teeth?
Absolutely normal. They lose their baby teeth and get adult teeth just like we do.
Reply:Yes ma'm it is normal.
Reply:Yes, it's perfectly normal. That is also the age they behave really crazy too!


Why are my dogs teeth loose?

I have a yorkshire terrier that is 4 years old. She barely is losing her puppy k9 teeth (the long sharp ones), when she was 3 yrs, and one still remains. Now her upper k9 and the one next to it is loose. They are adult teeth, and I don't know what to do. I'm concerned that she is gonna lose all her teeth eventually. I brush her teeth, but she still has really bad breath and tarter. I've give her raw hides and "greenies" (tarter control chewing things). What is wrong with her? please help.

Why are my dogs teeth loose?
Sounds like she may have periodontal disease.

No greenies or chews will help at this point. She needs a professional teeth cleaning (scaling and polish) by a vet.

There is a new dental sealant called OraVet, check it out (for after the dental) http://www.Oravet.com

The teeth are probably falling out due to gum recession. Some dogs are more prone to mouth disease/problems then others.

If there in an infection present, she will probably have to be on antibiotics.

Definitely do not ignore the problem, studies have shown, good teeth care will extend the life of your pet. The bacteria associated with tartar can lead to heart problems and much more!

Hope I helped!
Reply:she has gingivitus. its common in many dogs. if you take her to the vet or just go to a local pet store, you can ask them for a special toothpaste that can help :P
Reply:sounds strange

call the vet
Reply:somone cracked him in the jaw.
Reply:She should have lost her puppy teeth a long long time ago...like around a few months of age. Her mouth should be evaluated by a vet to be sure what exactly what is going on in there. She may have bitten onto something hard like some rocks or she may have some dental problems that need to be addressed to try to preserve the rest of her teeth if need be.
Reply:You need to make an appointment at the vet for her. She could have a teeth infection or teeth disease. My dogs all lost their puppy teeth within the 1st year.
Reply:i would take her to the vet just to make sure nothing is wrong with her. also i would hold off on the raw hides until u can figure out wat is going on.
Reply:It sounds like she needs a good dental cleaning and then the vet can see if the teeth need to be pulled. Once they are clean you can keep them clean by brushing them. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork should be done on your dog to make sure it is healthy before the dental and this will let the vet know if your dog may have any underlying conditions causing loose teeth.
Reply:Smaller dogs commonly have retained teeth and higher incidence of tooth problems, though it can happen in all breeds. If she is just now losing her puppy teeth that could explain a lot. When the adult teeth were trying to grow in the puppy teeth could have put pressure on them and taken up the root space the adult teeth needed.

Having a dental exam done by the Vet will help improve her health. This isn't a problem that greenies and rawhides can fix. If the gingivitis gets too bad it can lead to kidney failure due to the bacteria.
Reply:She is in obvious need of a dental.

Why has your vet never recommended extracting these retained puppy teeth at your annual visits?

Yorkies are SO prone to dental problems, and this is the number one reason you should be seeking veterinary advice, and should have long ago.

Retained puppy teeth will rot, causing Gingivitis of the gums and infection /rotting of the adult teeth.

Brushing and Greenies will not help this problem.
Reply:You should consult a vet. Maybe you should hold off on the brushing and on the rawhides. Maybe you are brushing too hard. Are you scrubing? That could be the reason.
Reply:This sounds like a gum disease called piorea.I would take this dog to the vet fast since it has already lost so many teeth.
Reply:I don't know why, but smaller dogs tend to have bad teeth no matter how hard the owner's try to keep them clean. Since her baby tooth never came out, bacteria and plaque have probably built up between the 2 teeth and have caused damage to the permanent tooth. Only a dental check by a vet could tell you how far the damage has gone. If she has infected teeth, they are probably painful and the kind thing would be to have them removed before they cause other health issues.

There are many dogs out there that have lost their teeth and are still able to eat softened dry food or canned food.
Reply:Make sure that your vet takes dental x-rays prior to doing anything. Often times there is pathology associated with the jaw and there can also be fractures present prior to removing the teeth. Also, what you see in the mouth is literally the "tip of the iceberg." There is a whole lot of tooth down there under the gum that cannot be evaluated without radiology. Your dentist would never pull a tooth without doing an x-ray first.


Monday, March 15, 2010

What is the best gift for 7 yr. old boy for losing his tooth?

you dont give him a gift...you tell him to put it under his pillow and give him a dollar

What is the best gift for 7 yr. old boy for losing his tooth?
Change under the pillow is what my son gets.
Reply:My kids get coins from foreign countries. They get to take the coin to school and show it off, and it teaches them a little bit about other countries.
Reply:Give him money after he puts it under his pillow when he goes to bed and say the tooth fairy gave him a gift for letting her have his tooth.

My parents always put silver dollars under my pillow when I lost a tooth.
Reply:anywhere from a quarter to a dollar. He puts it under his pillow at night and the "tooth fairy" (mommy or daddy) takes it away and leaves the money
Reply:To comfort him, give him a toy. Then tell him to throw his tooth over the roof of the house. My grandma told me when I was young, that fairies will bring you back the tooth once you throw it over the roof.
Reply:The old tradition is placing the tooth under his pillow so the tooth fair can come and get it and leave a gift..I would leave $1.00 to $5.00..My grandchild enjoyed getting a walmart gift card which we placed a small amount on, then when we would go shopping he had his own credit card to make a purchase for something small.
Reply:My children received new toothbrushes.
Reply:You give him a buck or 2


If we put tons of sugar into the oceans would sharks lose their teeth?

No they would get hyper and go on a mad killing rage!!!!! Lol

If we put tons of sugar into the oceans would sharks lose their teeth?
Yeah and all creatures would go Diabetic!!!!
Reply:No but it might sweeten the blow!
Reply:ha ha yes
Reply:i hope so
Reply:Good question, but i think it may help to sweeten their personalities a lot more, sharks get a really bad rap lol.
Reply:yer at least they wont kill me cool
Reply:hahaha... you know i dont know... now im gunna be thinking about this all day xD
Reply:yes they will have bad caries and their teeth will need to be removed.
Reply:No I don't think so.

I heard that the salt in seawater is powerful enough to 'disintegrate' many other substances.
Reply:no theyd die
Reply:Great question. Have you got any idea of the quantity of sea water the world over, then the amount of sugar required to make it sweet so that the sharks can loose their teeth? It is impossible.
Reply:no they would end up with tooth ache which would make them crabbit and they would bite and eat people who got in their way as a result! Plus some would start having to go on diets e.g there would be a whole bunch of female sharks thinking that their partner didnt fancy them any more coz they had a tummy and they would start avoiding oily fish etc lol
Reply:LOL LOL it would make them taste better with chips
Reply:Yup~and become tame n sweet to humans... ^-^
Reply:yes,but other teeth will grow in their place
Reply:This question made me laugh, haha. To answer your question now, I'd say they would probably be dead let alone lose their teeth. LOL
Reply:Let's not, I'd hate for ANY shark to lose its bite ...!
Reply:They may but they have another set waiting to pounce.
Reply:I think so. And then they'd all become diabetic.
Reply:Sorry but no Sharks have several thousands of teeth because if you look in a sharks mouth you may see teeth in rows numerous rows so they may lose the teeth but they will get them back. but nice question lol
Reply:you couldnt fill the sea,its to large.
Reply:i am answering your question in the spirit it was asked!! so yes they would all be gummy sharks lol
Reply:No! my wife doesn't go swimming very often.
Reply:no it would probably die as well as all other life in the sea.

city opera

Very important question about teeth!!!?

2 of my molars r chipped. 1 of them on the left side of my mouth chipped about 1/4 of it off about 3 years ago and didnt get it fixed. i just started chewing with my rite side but the tooth eventually kept chipping slowly by slowly. then just 2day i was eating sum crutons and a molar on my rite side chipped a lil bit. not as bad as my left but a chip is a chip. i have not had my wisdom teeth pulled and sumtimes i get a VERY sharp pain in the tooth that was chipped on my left side. i drank a glass of milk everyday but this ive been skipping milk on and off. also i have a very hectic shcedule and dont always have a chance 2 brush my teeth. the tooth that chipped on my rite side 2day has a tooth growing directly under it and i dont remember ever losing the chipped tooth wen i was younger. WATS MAKING MY TEETH CHIP?? wat should i do 2 prevent it from happening again?? help plz

Very important question about teeth!!!?
It sounds like you might wanna see a dentist. Apart from that, nutritional deficiencies can often be reflected in weak teeth. The calcium in dairy milk may help but you can do a lot of other stuff to improve your diet ie. staying away from desserts/candy, drinking vegetable juices, taking Kyolic capsules (a brand of garlic contained in tablet form), rubbing clove oil along your gums (I hear this works great), and drinking pineapple juice. pineapple is supposed to be very good for the teeth. All these factors will combine to give your body the nutrients it's probably starving for.
Reply:milk won't help

brush your teeth 2 times per day and floss once per day

your teeth are probably chipping because they have cavities in them

see a dentist
Reply:You can't really do much to prevent chipping---it just happens sometimes.

The sharp pain may be an infection, so you need to see a dentist ASAP. He can fill in the chipped areas, which will help keep them from getting worse. You also sound like you need to squeeze some time in your schedule to BRUSH twice a day. It only takes a minute--get up a minute earlier or something!

And get a cleaning every 6 months--the sooner a problem is found, the easier it is to fix!
Reply:The pain in your left chipped tooth could be a cavity and possibly your root is damaged. You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss everyday, and if you want, use a fluoride rinse before you go to bed (after you brush and floss!). You need to see a dentist about the chipped teeth, they can reinforce the tooth so that it won't chip anymore. Oh, and you should get your teeth cleaned twice a year by the dentist.

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Is it normal for a young dog to lose some of its teeth?

My parents 7 months old terrier has lost 2 of its jaw teeth in 2 days.

Is it normal for a young dog to lose some of its teeth?
Very normal...baby teeth.
Reply:It is very normal for all young dogs to loose their molars. New one will grown back in.
Reply:Dogs-like humans have "baby" teeth-as they mature these teeth do fall out and "adult" teeth grow in-
Reply:What are jaw teeth?!?

Yes, dogs lose their baby teeth and get adult teeth. It is a bit unusual for a 7 month old dog to still be loosing baby teeth, but it's possible. The last teeth to fall out are usually the molars - the large teeth at the back of the mouth.
Reply:yes, they're baby teeth. dogs lose them just like humans
Reply:Yes, puppies lose their teeth just like kids. Their "baby teeth" are called deciduous teeth. This is very normal. Just watch where you step b/c those little teeth are sharp.
Reply:Yes, they do lose their teeth, just like a child loses its baby teeth. I would though speak with your Vet at your next visit.

My dog has lost his baby teeth, as well. My vet said that it wasn;t a problem. Good Luck
Reply:Yes it is. They are just like babies. I would give the puppy ice cubes this will help with the teething.
Reply:Yes it is completely normal ofr this to happen. Just like humans they lose their baby teeth and get in adult teeth. We dont always notice it happen but it does happen to all dogs. And that is abouth the right age for it to start happening. Do not be alarmed it is fine.
Reply:Perfectly normal, though a little later than most. Most dogs have their adult teeth by the time they are 6 months old.
Reply:Absolutely... they lose their baby teeth just like humans do. You may notice that your puppy is chewing on things more... their gums get very sore when they are teething, and in response to that they chew. You can get them puppy teething toys from the pet store, which can help relieve their gums. Quite a few of them can go in the freezer so they have something cold to chew on. You can try Petco or Petsmart... they have a large selection of toys....
Reply:Yes it's normal, young dogs or puppies lose teeth just like people, and get their second teeth in.
Reply:It's kinda like children when they lose their teeth. Adult teeth will replace them. Usually dogs swallow them when they fall out but sometimes they don't. I remember when my dog was loosing her baby teeth and I found about 4 of them and she must have swallowed the rest.
Reply:it depends on which teeth they are,... puppies usually loose most of their teeth by the time they are 6 months old, the last ones to fall out are usually the canine (fang) teeth, there are 2 on the lower jaw and 2 on the upper jaw. If you have any concerns that the teeth were adult teeth (very large and solid) then take the dog to a vet, some infections can rot the roots of teeth out. If they were very skinny and pointed, they are probably baby teeth, just a little late in falling out. has the puppy been spayed/neutered yet? if not, when you take it in to a clinic ask the vet to look at the teeth, you can save the cost of an extra exam and still get the teeth checked out. Is the puppy still eatting and drinking, and playing with all the same toys as before? if there is pain you may notice a reduction in playing, or eatting not so enthusiastically.
Reply:Dogs are alot like humans. They loose all of their teeth (baby teeth) They generally loose their baby teeth at about 4 to 6 weeks. Sometimes the baby teeth stay longer, but are pushed out by the permanent teeth coming in. Don't worry about it. It's normal. That's why they are always chewing on you or something else. lol
Reply:puppies lose teeth just like little kids do. he should get his permanent teeth all in by the time he's a year or a year and a half. make sure he has plenty of toys for teething, though.
Reply:yes. dogs lose their baby teeth very early.
Reply:Yes it's normal. Sometimes you'll find the teeth laying around in the house, other times they may swallow them. They lose the very pointy teeth that hurt when they nip at you and grow in teeth that aren't as rough. Just make sure you have plenty of toys for him to chew on so he doesn't get to any shoes or other items that you don't want him to ruin. They chew on things to help their gums feel better.
Reply:It is normal that the young dog to lose teeth. Like all of us, when we r a kid, we lost teeth too. So, dun worry...terrier will grow its teeth soon. Have a nice day ahead...
Reply:Don't worry they are just baby teeth! My 1 and 3 month old dog has a tooth missing (not baby tooth) and the vet said its ok too, since it's not an "important" tooth. So even as you puppy grows older, don't worry about a missing tooth or too. =]
Reply:yes my puppy lost about 10 teeth in about 1-2 weeks
Reply:duurrrr......they have to, because the mouth is geettting bigger and they get grown up teeth beacuse they have to, just like humans. durrr..

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What are the names of the drugs that cause you to lose your teeth?

methamphetamines, like to much crack, speed, cocaine.... don't do these and if you know people who do... give them love and get them help.

What are the names of the drugs that cause you to lose your teeth?
ha ha how about sugar?
Reply:ha, are people taking scurvy in pil form now?
Reply:speed and anything that burns the calcium in your body


My dog only has 5 teeth. She was only raised on moist food, when she loses them will she not live long?

She is only 3 years old. And was only raised on moist food before we bought her. When she loses all of her teeth she cannot eat hard food and will only eat moist. Will this make her not live as long since she will not be getting as much nourishments as she should be?

My dog only has 5 teeth. She was only raised on moist food, when she loses them will she not live long?
Wild dogs would die without teeth, but domestic dogs can live just fine without them. One of my dogs is missing quite a few of her teeth.
Reply:I knew a toy poodle that had no teeth for years and ate dry dog biscuits. Their gums harden so they can eat dry food mixed with canned and warm water which is a preferred way to serve dry food. There are many complete canned foods and raw diets out their so even if you choose not to feed her dry she can live just fine.
Reply:what breed is your dog? some are prone to teeth problems especially the toy breeds. just make sure to buy dog food that is full of all the nutrients she needs. my 4 year old dog has only ever eaten moist food and he is in great health and gets all the nutrients he needs
Reply:go to the vet and they have specail wet dog food for dogs with no teeth. she can live on that and have a long happy life
Reply:What breed is your dog? Some breeds, like the Chinese crested, often have problems with bad dentition, and they do fine.

Take her to the vet, and see what he says. If it's a matter of vitamins, etc, he may be able to give you supplements to help. Don't feed her hard food, keep her on the moist food, it will be easier for her to eat.
Reply:Dogs living completely on moist food will have bad teeth at a young age. To prevent this, also give them some dry to eat, as this is crunchy and helps clean clingy moist food and plaque from their teeth. Also, regular vet visits are necessary to clean your pets teeth professionally. You should take her to the vet, and see what they recommend. It shouldn't make her live any shorter a life, but her lack of teeth can be troublesome.
Reply:I adopted a little Peke that had really bad teeth. Took her to the Vet pull the bad teeth. She had one (1) good tooth %26amp; it was a canine tooth, but I ask the Vet to pull it cause it would be a lot easier for to eat without it. She swallowed dry food whole but her main stay was the canned food.

I got her when she was 15 yrs. old, she lived a little over 5 more years. (I think she was older than that) She lost her sight, her hearing but she knew her way around the house %26amp; yard.

She was very sickly when I got her but after all those nasty teeth were gone she started eating more %26amp; she put on some weight. Nasty teeth cause all kinds of ailments.
Reply:No! who ever told you that hates you because my dog has lost 16 teeth and he only eats moist food he is now 15,16 in december it doesn't mader how many teeth your dog loes it maders how you rasie it
Reply:Just keep feeding her the moist. They can live a long time without teeth, just like people.
Reply:Moist food is actually better for dogs, so if anything, she'll probably live longer. Moist food is less processed and contains more moisture than kibble, both of which are good reasons to feed canned food. Just be sure it's a quality one like Canidae.

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I have a miniature daschund puppy. What age will he lose his teeth? And what age will he be full grown?

It is very possible that the breeder gave you the wrong information. If it was not a registered AKC breeder than unfortunately it could have been what is known as a "backyard breeder" These breeders are in it for the money and not for the dogs. They breed their dogs several times each year and sell for a mid range price to get buyers and just earn as much money as possible. Usually they will "sell" their dogs as early as they can. You should NEVER take a puppy away from its' mother before 8 weeks old. It can cause behavior problems and health problems for the dog. Most puppies will start to lose their teeth around 3 months old to 6 months old. Age can actually be determined by looking at a puppies teeth. The biggest growth spurts occur before 6 months old. at 6 months you have aq good idea at the the dogs full size but most dogs are not considered full grown until 2 years old. alothough at 1 year the dog wont get much larger but will just grow muscle mass and "bulk out" per say. You should take your dog to the vet. Not only can they tell you the approximate age of the dog, they will vaccinate him with all of the proper vaccines he needs in order to be a healthy happy dog. Good luck with your new family member!

I have a miniature daschund puppy. What age will he lose his teeth? And what age will he be full grown?
same here. i have a mini dacshund and i love her to death. mine was grown at about i don't know 5 to 7 months old. or maybe 8 months one of those months. but she is beautiful queit annoying also. and she has only lost one of her baby teeths. but that was because i was playing tug-o-war with her.
Reply:mine started losing teeth at like 6 months. he is a year old now %26lt;3 they stop growing at about a year but from there they just fill out. but dont let him or her get too fat. that will hurt their backs!
Reply:I have had Dachshunds for about 10 years now. You will really enjoy having him around.

All puppies usually stat losing their baby teeth at about 5-6 months old. The best way to help when this starts to happen is to play tug with him. It helps to get the loose teeth out and is fun for the puppy.

About this time, too, they should be at their adult height. Then they start filling out their adult muscles. By the time they are 9-12 months old they are pretty much finished growing.
Reply:I love my dogs too.I have two minis one smooth red the other a longhair black and tan.Plus I also breed daschunds so in my experience about 9 to 11 months for the minis.Baby teeth should last about the same time ,but sometimes a little longer my Lucy still has one baby tooth left and she is a year and a half.Good luck daschunds rule!
Reply:What's the DATE on it's REGISTRATION PAPERS???

"Wut papers?"

Then you don't know WHAT you have ,let alone how old it is!!! Some lousy "breeder" THAT is %26amp; shame on you for being so GULLIBLE!!

Adult teeth should start coming in at 5 months.Dogs usually stop growing UP at 10-12 mons. %26amp; OUT at 18.

Those are AVERAGE ages,btw! No dog "reads the brochure".
Reply:my dauschund never, never lost his teeth
Reply:Dachshunds sometimes don't lose their baby teeth. You should keep an eye on this, and If they haven't fallen out by his/her one year check up then your vet will extract them, which is important to do because the adult teeth are there but they just need the room to come in and if you don't you could end up with HUGE dental problems later in life.


If britney spear is hillbillies do this mean she will lose her teeth soon?

haha is joke my friend.

thank you my friend

If britney spear is hillbillies do this mean she will lose her teeth soon?
yes if she keeps on chewing straw I'm sorry that makes no sense my friend
Reply:probably..but its more that she has no shoes on and bunky crusted toes


How much money do you give your children when they lose their teeth ?

When I was young, I got 25 cents.....but due to inflation, I give my son a $1.

How much money do you give your children when they lose their teeth ?
25 cents
Reply:5 bucks
Reply:my friend got $10 cause she lost her last tooth when she was 15
Reply:i dont have children but my parents gave my brother and i a dollar a tooth.
Reply:I leave it up to the tooth fairy. e
Reply:a shiny new nickle
Reply:my parents went a little bit overboard. i got 5 dollars per tooth. But a lot were painful since i have gotten a LOT of teeth pulled
Reply:2$ is reseon able
Reply:my mom give me a quarter
Reply:Two pieces of toilet paper. They'll need it later on.
Reply:1.25- enough to buy something at the dollar store.
Reply:My parents always gave me $1 for teeth, usless they were the big ones in the back...then they would give me $2.
Reply:I know I got a quarter for mine.
Reply:i will probably regret it but she lost her first tooth recently and i gave her 10.00 cuz that is what she thought she was getting

i did tell her though that the tooth fairy only gives 10.00 for the first one lol
Reply:My parents gave me candy. They were collectors of teeth.
Reply:My parents used to give me 2 dollars and 56 cents
Reply:$1.00 for each one they lost. Inflation you know has gone up since I got .25 as a child and I am 45 this year.
Reply:Let's see, I would give them a dollar per tooth and then 2 or 3 dollars for the two front teeth :)
Reply:My daughter just lost a tooth, and I wanted to give her a 5 dollar bill but I didnt have a 5 spot on me so I could only give her what I had which was 3 singles instead. Its cool though cuz both my girls are spoiled.
Reply:I usually give my kids anywhere from a quarter to one dollar. Some people give their kids up to $20.00 but I think that is bonkers rewarding a kid that much for a basic biological function.

Teeth aren't a big deal and they have 20 (I think) that fall out over a course of about 6 years. I also am not indepentantly wealthy.
Reply:When I first started losing teeth, I think I was given 15¢, it was moved up to 25¢ later on, and then for my last 6 or so it was 50¢. But for the final baby tooth I convinced my mother for a dollar.
Reply:A dollar
Reply:$4 per tooth
Reply:I think it depends on how many kids you have. It could get expensive. I gave my kids a quarter. Lots of parents give more but you gotta think, It's just a tooth.
Reply:I don't have kids, but my parents gave me 5 dollars per tooth, and a little more for molars but I'm not sure exactly how much
Reply:Depends how old they are ... but I would not encourage my kids to expect anything from the age of 10 ...

Its time to learn that fairies and santa... are not really leaving anything ... and things have to be earned.

Maybe tell them that losing teeth is part of growing up ... and not something that neccesarily warrants a reward..

I give them nothing ... but mum probably will

dR bad

more scrooge than tooth fairy .. ;-)

Visual Basic

Can you love a girl who lost her 2 front teeth?

My best friend is having a commitment problem just becuz she wears denture (lost her 2 front teeth when she was a teenager). Her current bf doesn't know but I know that he loves her. She's afraid of getting too close (i.e move in together/get married). I told her he would still love her, but she doesn't believe me. Can anybody help? What should i tell her? They've been together for almost 3 years. Thx alot..!!

Can you love a girl who lost her 2 front teeth?
you need to tell her that its not that big of a deal. If they have been together for three years, he definatly wont throw what they had away just because of missing teeth, if he did he would be REALLY dumb, it would be different if they just started dated then he might care, but since he knows her, he wouldnt care. good luck!
Reply:they have been together three years and he's hasn't told him...wow!!! but if he loves he should not care and if he does screw him... looks aren't everything
Reply:If he really loves her then he will have no problem with that nobody is prefect and if he left her because of that then it wasnt love and he isnt worth it anyway.
Reply:That is a really strange reason to have a commitment problem. I had my front tooth knocked out during a softball game in highschool, and my front tooth is a denture, and hardly anybody knows unless I tell them. She is freaking out over a very minor thing. What is she going to do with a major problem?
Reply:hahaha if this guy is that shallow she needs to get rid of him
Reply:she just needs to tell him, it's not like it's obvious if he doesnt know after 3 years. In this world of cosmetic dentistry, plastic surgery, fake this and that....everything is acceptable.....she doesnt have to tell him anything.....love doesnt change because of something like this, if she acts like it's not a big deal, so will he. good luck
Reply:Whats the big deal she wears a denture or bridge..What ever you call em...So she has her two front teeth even if there not natural...Whats the difference in that and fake boobs?
Reply:She needs to develop some self-confidence. Let her know that she's fine just the way she is, say and do things to make her see herself the way you see her.

Nanny Profile

When you get old what would you prefer to lose. Hair, teeth, mind or contenece?

I have my hair, teeth, mind, continence and am glad to have kept my ability to use a dictionary!

I think I'd prefer to lose my inhibitions than any of the above though!

When you get old what would you prefer to lose. Hair, teeth, mind or contenece?
lost my hair already so ill keep it at that
Reply:Hair. Teeth are handy for eating and the other facalties are rather handy too.
Reply:teeth as i dont need them to talk lol
Reply:teeth can always be replaced
Reply:My hair and teeth. If I lost my mind the rest would not matter.
Reply:Well, having gone through chemo I've lost my hair and it caused my teeth to go for the most part. I've got a teenager so I've lost my mind. There's only one thing left to go. Oh, well. Semper Fi!
Reply:def the hair. wig technology has advanced so much in recent years.
Reply:none of course.
Reply:non of those if possible
Reply:Teeth. We could use artificial teeth and they are easier to clean when we are very old.
Reply:has to be hair.u can buy a syrup cheap enough these days.

teeth are expensive.lost my mind years ago.

and as for continence,i piss myself quite frequently at some of the answers on this site!!
Reply:Not fussed about losing my hair. Teeth second, continence third and mind last.

Tell you what though, I went to the pub last week, lost my mind, peed myself, fell over and knocked two teeth out and pulled my hair out when I missed the last bus home, so who needs to wait till you get old!!!
Reply:Out of those definitely teeth, will just have to get used to a false pair
Reply:Hair. Don't fancy dentures much, incontinence would be horrendous but losing your mind is just unthinkably awful. If my mind didn't work then I wouldn't want to be here. Hair just doesn't matter.
Reply:Older but Wiser (sooner or later destiny follows)

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what people in general

say. I just watch what they do.

It spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in a small way(Edith Wharton).
Reply:Teeth. False ones can be so lifelike.

Id want my mind and continance to go last.
Reply:hair! my hair are a bit dry right now hehe
Reply:Wow, one heck of a question. I would "prefer" not to lose any of them but, I will have to go with continence for the simple fact that that may be the easiest thing to hide. Teeth can be replaced with those fancy thousand dollars per, screw in teeth. But, I am Terrified of the dentist (and his whole staff)We'll go with peein in a diaper.
Reply:I say hair, because if mine isn't turning grey its falling out.

It's like rogaine gone bad. Its leaving my head and showing up on my ears, back and fingers...ugh... damn it man, why me?


Why does the taste of pennies remind you of losing a tooth?

Blood has iron in it which gives it a metallic taste. When you lose a tooth your gums sometimes bleed.

Why does the taste of pennies remind you of losing a tooth?
Gross why are you tasting pennies, it could have been in someones hands who masturbated.
Reply:me too!
Reply:Pennies are made of copper, and the taste and scent of copper is similar of blood. Ask a CSI if you know one, they will tell you that as they approach a scene, especially indoors, they'll be able to tell early if it is a gruesome bloody scene... because it smells like copper.


At what age should an adult dogs teeth fall out.I have a toy poodle and he just lost a tooth.He is 4 years?

An adult dog should never lose teeth. If your dog's losing teeth, he really needs to get to his vet for a dental check-up. Bad teeth and gums can lead to serious health problems - like heart or kidney problems for example.

At what age should an adult dogs teeth fall out.I have a toy poodle and he just lost a tooth.He is 4 years?
Time to have your dogs teeth looked at, he shouldn't be losing any of them.

What do you feed him? What sort of oral care to do for him? When was the last time he had a dental at the vet?
Reply:Adult dogs should not have teeth fall out. They should stay put. You need to get your dog to the vet for a dental cleaning and he may need to have more pulled. You could have prevented it by brushing his teeth and regular dental cleanings by the vet.
Reply:The baby teeth fall out within the first year.

Adult teeth should last for life.

He needs treatment to keep his teeth or to stop disease.
Reply:Unfortunately, teeth should last a lifetime....just like us. The loss of teeth may be more related to your dogs diet more than anything. Does your dog eat real dog food? Or does it hold out for tablet scraps? Need to take your baby to the vet, get a dental evaluation.
Reply:4 years old is young for your dog to be loosing teeth. Check his mouth for fowl odor, tarter on his teeth and red gums. He could possibly be a dog prone for periodontal disease. If you notice any of the above have your vet check him.
Reply:He should never lose a tooth...Please take him to the vet to find out why he lost the tooth...Poor dental care can lead to heart problems etc. Germs get into the dog's blood stream through sores and openings in the gums. I hope its nothing serious.
Reply:He sounds like he is having premature tooth loss.

Have the vet look at the teeth and if they are starting to get calculus build up then you need to get the teeth cleaned.

The vet will give you suggestions on what needs to be done with the teeth.

Sometimes the gums receed and that is a bad thing.

Toy dogs have really tiny teeth and that is a problem, they aren't really strong.
Reply:If he is really small it is common for very small toy breeds to suffer from tooth loss as the mouth of these dogs is too small for the teeth not to run into complications, just like our wisdom teeth. You need to bring him to a vet and start getting his teeth cleaned regularly and maybe dayly brushing. Does he have any rotten teeth, also some small breed dogs retain there puppy teeth longer than normal and they need pulled so its likely it was a retained puppy tooth but the vet would be the one to talk to.

Java and C++

What a guy should not say after sex (unless you want to lose your teeth)?

# "I was kidding about being sterile, you know."

# "Do you always fart like that when someone shoves it in?"

# "How come it's so big in there?"

# "You've done a lot of guys before, right?"

# "Next time I come over, don't bother with underwear ok."

# (Sniff sniff) "Is that cat food?"

# (Yelling) "OK guys, it's a wrap, cut, and print it."

# "You are great in bed, but your sister gives better head."

# "My first wife was prettier, but you can screw a lot better."

# "Do you know what a 'douche' is?"

# "Maybe if you did some pushups, your baps would grow."

# "I want you to try some of MY deodrant."

# "I'm not into relationships. Can't we just screw, like every Tuesday night or something?"

# "Maybe if you lost some weight, I could get it all the way in."

# "I never saw a girl with hairy baps before."

# "I've been getting these blisters lately........"

# "you wanna do those dishes before you leave?"

# "You should go wash that, the cabbie will think something DIED in there!"

What a guy should not say after sex (unless you want to lose your teeth)?
"my hand is still better"

"yep your still 2nd best"

"thats not how your sister does it"

"get out"

"time to see the doctor"

"how much do i owe ya"

"is this a sore?"

"boom city!"

"yep im still gay..."

"did you gain weight? you felt heavier"

"can i go watch porn now?"

"yep still wasnt drunk enough"

"nah....your still fired"
Reply:ur great in bed but ur sis gives better head
Reply:WELL. Very dirty. But funny. LOL.
Reply:BAHAHA!! =]]]
Reply:I have herpes.
Reply:Do u know what HIV is?
Reply:Say i enjoyed that ("call her by her sisters name")
Reply:How about..."Your mom was better!"
Reply:I've had better

How much?

Next time, can your sister join us?
Reply:get off me mom,you are crushing my smokes
Reply:That was funny, I'll give you a star.
Reply:=) how about....." what was your name again...?"
Reply:Your mum was better
Reply:lol, dang
Reply:yes, that would probably be a bad idea...
Reply:Is this a list of the things that have been said to you?
Reply:LOL! The cat food one made me giggle!

How about these?

#You know, your brother lets me do anal.

# I've always wanted to make a snuff film. (more of a during thing)

#Don't Mommy! Stop touching me there! *cries*
Reply:and what a woman shouldn't say to a guy (during sex):

# is it in yet?

# you are ok about a few head lice aren't you?

# can you pass me my book please... oh and let me know when you've finished

# how do you spell "miniscule"? It's for my diary

# that reminds me - I must buy more cheese

# I'm sure the cracks in that ceiling are getting worse

# are you going to be long? there's a TV documentary on earwigs I'd like to watch
Reply:Wow, you've had a rough love life, huh?
Reply:You have some experience ,girl ! Way to go!
Reply:i would have sex with u any day. u sound good !!!!!!!
Reply:good stuff
Reply:very good but you forgot

do you want to ask your freind to join in!
Reply:That was ok, but I prefer men!
Reply:hilarious..well worth a star.
Reply:Can't say I have said any of these things, but they are definately funny.

safari browser

Why when people get old they start to lose their teeth?

because they don't take care of them like they should. you need to brush and floss every day and go to the dentist and have them cleaned every six months.

Why when people get old they start to lose their teeth?
Just for the sheer fun of it!
Reply:People are like machines. Machines lose there nuts and bolts.People lose there teeth.
Reply:Because, just like every part of your body, it get's old and can't work anymore. The reason why people sometimes people have a heart failure or they have pains.
Reply:connective tissue elasticity lessens and also wear and tear. If you start to take COQ10 at around 40 years of age, you should be able to keep your teeth forever. 100mgs a day. Softgel is best or with a fatty meal.
Reply:There are many older adults who still have most of their teeth.

Of course, good oral hygiene through the course of their lives has attributed to that. But think of when this generation grew up. Many were lucky to have a dinner that consisted of a meat, much less floss or a good, new toothbrush. Many worked as children and had responsibilities that our generation can not fathom. I think oral hygiene education is horrendous in our school systems now. Think about how littel there must have been back then.

Also, as we age, our skin sags. Same with our gums. Many times older adults experience a loss of gum tissue and bone in the jaw that causes their teeth to become mobile. When this happens, the teeth have to be removed.

Happy Holidays!
Reply:Generally because they haven't taken good care of their teeth throughout their lives. But it's just not old people who lose their teeth, many young people need dentures etc. My mum had all her teeth til she was sixty seven when she had to have an absessed tooth taken out. I still have all mine save 10, wisdom teeth and six were crowding my other teeth, I'm not obsessive about my teeth but I do take care of them.
Reply:First try and find the time to care for your teeth then no sugarly except for times your hungry but if a lot of dental problems like me and disliking as to all the extra a dentist trys to make more cavities tell thm not to dig under the gums just ex-ray then let you decide but should they rot and if the money tight look for a collage or so who are trainning young dentists to examine you! Best of health and advice I hope will come through you asking! David H.
Reply:People start to decay to make room for new people and babies. Only 3% of the people ever born are still alive today.
Reply:tSome people have very strong teeth, others do not. After paying for living costs there may not be enough$$ to go to dentist and pay their astronomical prices. Why do many people wear glasses after the age of 40 and cataracts ? Our bodies are not meant to last forever and either are teeth. Everything breaks down sooner or later. Why do people have heart attacks who never smoke, drink and have good cholestrol levels. It just happens Ask any dentist for a written guarantee the work he is going to do will last your life time. My sister in law paid $22,000 for caps, bridges. They lasted awhile her gums started to recede and all had to be extracted. I didn't come from neglect of dental care.
Reply:people start to lose their teeth after time because of age on bone loss much like degenerative disorders in the back the jaw is a huge bone aswell. poor care and bad hygine will also help speed along the process. its an unfortunate fact of aging my friend.
Reply:So....basically what you do today...affects you tomorrow.

There are a lot of factors that play into why someone (young or old) loose their teeth.

You have to consider if the person has smoked, if they have a disease (diabetes, cancer, drug addiction, alcoholism, heart diseases, dry mouth, ect.) {a lot of diseases wreak havoc on the mouth, it can have very bad effects on teeth and gums}, people under stress.

I will assume (for answer purposes) that you are a person that is fairly young.

There is plaque that forms on your teeth, immediately after you eat, okay. Plaque has many forms of BACTERIA that attach to it. These bacteria can do 2 things:

Cause gum disease {major cause} or Cause a cavity! {When you get a progressed cavity, sometimes they need to remove it}

Forming good habits while you are still young (like brushing 2 x's a day {minimum 2 minutes}, flossing {at least once every OTHER day, I am somewhat realistic}, and brushing your tongue) will disrupt this bacteria and prevent them from making cavities and or gum disease.

So...to prevent gum disease {a major reason for tooth loss} you need to remove the plaque from your teeth regularly, so the bacteria cannot get strong enough, to cause tooth loss.
Reply:Because just like about everything else, they begin to deteriorate. Things get "old" when you get older and breakdown. Thus, the term "old" age???

And cleaning and flossing everyday religiously DOES NOT guarantee that your teeth will last longer than normal. There are just too many other factors in determining that. So, don't let anyone make you feel guilty about that one! There is NOTHING that will help you keep your teeth forever! Thats a total fallicy!!
Reply:because there hair falls out
Reply:i think they lost their teeth because that person probably did'nt take care of them when they were younger.

hotels reviews

My 5 month yorkie terrier lost her little front teeth, Are they going to grow back?

She lost her small front teeth. I brush once a week. Is she going to grow them back?

My 5 month yorkie terrier lost her little front teeth, Are they going to grow back?
Yes, she is losing puppy teeth she will get her adult teeth to replace them.
Reply:Just losing her baby teeth they will grow back
Reply:All puppies should go through this phase just as your children will. They teeth and lose them! Its part of growing up.

Your pup may be sore in the gums, so any toys that are meant for teething are great. My personal favorite is a somewhat soft toy that looks like a bone, you put it in the freezer for a while then give it to your pup. It will help soothe the gums during the teething process. ANything that they can gnaw on will be good enough though. Go to any petstore and you will see toys specifically made for this. Although, if you can't afford it, put ice cubes in the water dish instead of water. They may choose to lick it or even gnaw on that!

Happy Holidays!!
Reply:All puppies loose their baby teeth, just like humans. They will grow back. Give her a rawhide to teeth on, she will love it.
Reply:be sure for that.before 6-8 months, they lose their teeth just as we do being kids.
Reply:yep-they were her baby teeth!
Reply:yes they will grow back, those were her puppy teeth.
Reply:It's perfectly normal. All puppies lose their baby teeth, and their permanent teeth come in. Yes they will grow back. I don't think you have to worry.

my cat

My 5 yr old has got a permanent tooth coming throught when she has not lost milk teeth is this normal?

yes it is my son who is 7 had his two front bottom teeth come through full before his milk teeth came out i even took him to the dentist to see what could be done because i had never heard of it before and he said they would come out on there own which they have so don't worry the milk teeth will come out when they are ready like my sons did

My 5 yr old has got a permanent tooth coming throught when she has not lost milk teeth is this normal?
it can be but i would take her to the dentist to check she has enough room in her mouth for it
Reply:the permanent tooth will push the milk tooth out or at least loosen it its no harm but if your worried ask your dentist
Reply:yes this happened to my daughter. the permanent teeth usually loosen the milk teeth as they grow but it doesn't always happen like that. they come out and grow when there ready dont worry
Reply:if the baby tooth is loose then its ok it will fall out....

if not give it a little time and see if it becomes loose if not go see the dentist they will probably just pull it...

this is normal and happens to ALOT of kids....

if your kid is in pain then take him/her to the dentist if not...things will be ok..sometimes it just takes longer and the permanent tooth didn't break the roots to the baby tooth...have your kid eat hard foods and see if it becomes loose....
Reply:my daughter had her two permanent bottom teeth come in before she had lost any. I took her to the dentist and 4 teeth were pulled to make room for the permanent teeth. She is now 6 and losing teeth left and right. I am going broke with tooth fairy cost.
Reply:I wouldn't say "normal" but, not on heard of. My daughter had this happen with 1 of her front teeth. I waited about 3 months to see if maybe it would just fall out on its own. But It didn't and every time I looked at her it really weirded me out. Looked like she had shark teeth. LOL. I was afraid her teeth would grown in crooked it we didn't get this fixed so I took her to the dentist and he pulled it out. He didn't even have to give her a shot because there were no roots attached to the baby tooth. eventually as the tooth grew in it straighten itself out. Although she may need braces later.

My neighbors daughter had the same thing happen. She actually had both of her front teeth grown in and baby tooth in front of it. They didn't take her to the dentist and it finally fell out on its own. Seemed like it took like a year. Every time i looked at her I just wanted to yank that tooth out. LOL.

My neighbors teeth are much more crooked then my daughters not sure if it's genetics or the fact Mandy's went to the dentist.
Reply:Don't worry,

This happened to my 5 year old also with 2 of her teeth, the permanent one's just pushed her baby teeth right out. You should go ahead and make an appt. with your dentist, just too make sure that there's enough room....
Reply:She'll be absolutely fine! It's totally normal.. Not as common, but normal.
Reply:This happened to my daughter as well, who is 20 now. Hers didn't fall out when the permanent tooth came in, but she was older when it happened (it was one of the teeth that look like vampire teeth-she may have been about 10) anyway, so I didn't even notice. But when she got older (like 16) she noticed that she had a baby tooth behind her permanent tooth %26amp; went to the dentist to have it pulled. They didn't even give her novocaine to pull it out %26amp; she said it didn't hurt at all %26amp;her teeth are fine! It will probably fall out on it's own though, but if not, I definitely wouldn't worry about it!
Reply:Both of my kids got permanent teeth before they lost their baby teeth. It is normal although not that common. If it is her bottom teeth then there shouldn't be any problem. The baby tooth will come out soon and then permanent tooth will move into it's spot. If it is her top teeth, then you should have a dentist look at it. It is more likely to need to be pulled if it is the top teeth.
Reply:yes its normal for a permanent to come out with out the milk teeth is out .when the new teeth comes out .the old one will drop out my kids had the same problem and so will meny other children......
Reply:My daughter had one that was barely peeping out and pushing on the loose tooth. The dentist saw it at her regular visit. He gave her a date to come back and have it pulled if it didn't come out on its own. I think it was about 6 weeks from our regular visit. He said if you give the kid a date that it needs to be pulled out that they would usually wiggle it out on their own. They usually really don't want the dentist pulling it out.

I would at least call and let them know about it. That way they'll know that it might need to be pulled at your next regular visit.
Reply:yes, this is normal . this happened to my top teeth when i was seven. one of my permanent teeth grew in front of a baby tooth. i went to the dentist and had the baby tooth removed. everything was fine. i have had 6 teeth pulled after that for various reasons. it doesnt really hurt that much . i think personally you should call your dentist and ask their opinion.
Reply:Yes my 5 year old had the same thing - her baby tooth had not yet fallen out but her new tooth was coming through. It looked really weird and we thought there would be a problem but the new tooth straightened as soon as her baby tooth fell out.

Don't worry until the new tooth has grown right out.

family nanny