Friday, November 6, 2009

When do pups loose their first set of teeth?

My pom 4 mthns lost 2 teeth (front teeth) is this a normal age for her to start loosing teeth I think I heard it was 6 D: if it is.. would this be a bad thing for her to loose her pup teeth early?

When do pups loose their first set of teeth?
Puppies usually start losing teeth at 4-6 months of age. So it's not too early for your pom to start losing her teeth.
Reply:Every dog is a little different from teh next. If she is losing them at 4 months that fine. The trick is trying to figure out where they hide them..For my puppy I only ever found one.
Reply:Usually 4 to 6 months. You won't find too many as they usually eat them along with their food.
Reply:Puppies begin losing teeth at 4 months of age. Usually the small ones you mentioned and then the back teeth. The canine teeth are the last to go and usually fall out around 6 months. The permanent teeth will quickly fill in right behind the ones that are lost - usually you can see the permanent tooth within days.


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