Friday, November 6, 2009

How many teeth do you have to loose before braces?

How many teeth do you need to loose before getting braces? So far I've lost 12 teeth... is that enough? Or am I going to have to wait another year?

How many teeth do you have to loose before braces?
Well if you have any baby teeth, then you'll have to lose those first. But if your teeth are crowded in your mouth then your doctor may have to pull some too to make sure there is enough room. If you have enough room, then then won't have to! But talk with an orthodontist!!
Reply:You have to take out all your baby teeth and grow out your permanent ones. Then, you can get braces. You could ask your dentist to pull it out if you want your permanent teeth to grow out.
Reply:After assessing each person case by case the orthodontist makes a plan and decides if some teeth must be pulled in order to make the teeth straight or not overcrowded and if those permanent teeth are in. An orthodontist makes the decisions when the time is right, go see one.
Reply:You are born with 20 baby teeth, which eventually fall out. As these fall out, "Adult" teeth grow in place of them. In addition, You will also grow 6's, 7's, and 8's. (8's are wisdom teeth)

Sometimes it is necessary to have some of these teeth extracted as well, so your orthodontist has room to shift your teeth around. Usually your orthodontist will wait until all your baby teeth have come out until opting to do a band up.

So, in answer to your question, yes, you will probably have to wait a while.
Reply:all your baby teeth hun.

sorry : [


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