Friday, November 6, 2009

My puppy's teeth?

I have a ten week old Labrador Retriever dog and wanted to know what age they lose their teeth to be replaced by their adult teeth? Answers greatly appreciated.

My puppy's teeth?
The exact schedule does vary from breed to breed. If you're lucky, you might even find a couple. Usually the pup swallows them with no harm done.

Dogs have 28 deciduous (temporary) teeth and 42 permanent teeth.

Puppies have no teeth at birth, and grow deciduous teeth beginning their second week of life. At three months of age, the deciduous teeth begin to be replaced by the permanent teeth.

The replacement process begins with the incisors, and moves backwards through the canines, premolars and finally the molars.

The turnover process is usually complete by the time the dog is eight months old, with none of the original 28 deciduous teeth remaining. Most deciduous teeth are swallowed with food and never seen by the pet owner. Occasionally a deciduous tooth is merely pushed to the side and retained next to the permanent tooth. Retained deciduous teeth can be removed by a veterinarian.

The incisors turn over from deciduous to permanent from two to four months of age. The canines usually convert around six months of age. The premolars and molars follow in that order, with the last permanent molar erupting around eight months of age.

Hope this helps :-)
Reply:Should start around 4 months. Make sure you have LOTS of chew toys for him as it is very painful and frustrating for them. They'll probably start to nibble a little bit more on you as well around that age because of the teething.

*Some of these posters have dogs losing teeth at ONE YEAR old! That NEVER happens. All puppies lose their baby teeth and have their full adult teeth by 6/7 months at the very latest. Anyone who says they'll lose them at a year, is very mistaken.
Reply:my puppy lost his baby teeth around Christmas time which would have put him at about 5 months..and the vet told me once those came out i could get him neutered, not sure why but thats what she said..they will start getting loose like human teeth do and they'll just fall out on their own..encourage him to chew on hard things, that should help as well
Reply:it is usually around 1 year old and they cheww EVERYTHING so watch out!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Between 4-7 months.
Reply:Our puppies lost their teeth at around 4 months. Do get lots of teething toys for your dog as they will want to chew.
Reply:It is usually around 4 to 6 months will know because you may find little doggy teeth on your floor or your dog may paw at there mouth if they have a loose tooth.There are loads of puppy chews out there now just for teething pups which really help..keep them occupied and they will leave your table legs alone!!
Reply:i wood say that they do louse thear teeth at abouteone year old donna g

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