Friday, November 6, 2009

How many teeth do mini dashchaunds loose?

i have a 3 yr old mini dashchaund and she lost a tooth the other day. about how many are they supposed to loose in their life? also how do i go about brushing her teeth?

How many teeth do mini dashchaunds loose?
i have a mini doxie too.... he's part chihuahua too though... he lost all of his puppy teeth already and he's only a year old so hers might have been an adult tooth. It may be hard to get her to let you brush her teeth if you never have before but try to slowly introduce the flavor of the toothpaste to her (make sure its dog toothpaste)... put some on a toothbrush (either a plan human one, a dog one or a puppy one, she doesnt need a big one since she is a small dog) and let her lick it all off... keep this up and then start holding it and moving it her mouth while she's eating it. it's not gonna work overnight.
Reply:Dog teeth are like ours. They have one set of baby teeth which they loose early on, AND one set of adult teeth that they shouldn't loose unless their missing something in their diet, or they could loose them due to an injury of some sort.
Reply:At 3 years old, she shouldn't be loosing any teeth. She will not replace these teeth like she did her baby teeth. What you need to do is get her to a vet for an oral exam. Small dogs are especially prone to tooth decay and tooth loss without a lot of extra dental health. If you haven't been brushing her teeth and if you feed her moist/canned food, then I would bet that her teeth are in desperate need of professional cleaning. My Yorkie requires dental cleanings every 1 1/2 years and we ONLY feed dry kibble--no canned food, no moist treats, no table scraps.
Reply:I'm so glad that you want to start brushing your dog's teeth! That is wonderful! First of all, make a trip to the pet store, in the grooming section, and find a dog toothpaste - they usually have it in flavors like peanut butter, poultry, vanilla, etc. These are safe for your dog to swallow. Then pick up a tooth brush as well - for a dog as small as yours, a fingerbrush may work nicely.

First, you will want to introduce your dog just to the taste of the toothpaste. Then, over a few days, just start to rub a bit on her teeth with your finger slowly. After a few days of that, get out just the finger brush, and get her used to the way that feels on her teeth. Finally, add the toothpaste to the brush, and you are set! Make sure you get the big molars in the back, tartar really likes to build up there.

Now that we've discussed tooth brushing, lets discuss the tooth that your dog lost. It is not normal for an adult dog (over the age of 8-10 months), to lose its teeth. There must be some problem that caused your pup to lose its tooth. Either there was trauma to the tooth (hit in the face, fractured it while chewing on something hard, etc) or your pup is suffering from dental disease. Please make an appointment with your vet and take your puppy in to have her mouth examined. She may need to have her teeth professionally cleaned (Which requires anesthesia), and also make sure the tooth that fell out did not leave a root behind. After her teeth are cleaned professionally, brushing will make a HUGE difference!
Reply:A 3 yr old dashaund isn't supposed to loose any teeth.. Check the gum line and the teeth themself. At this age.. almost all dogs need a teeth cleaning, and believe me they don't like their teeth brushed..

Go to the vet.

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