Friday, November 6, 2009

Are ALL of my cats baby teeth supposed to fall out?

My cat recently lost one tooth about a week and a 1/2 ago and not she is loosing more. Is this normal? Are ALL of them supposed to fall out? She's around 4 Months old is this the normal age to be loosing her teeth?

Are ALL of my cats baby teeth supposed to fall out?
All their baby teeth should fall out to make way for the adult teeth, they won't ALL fall out at the same time, it will be gradual. She probably already lost some and you didn't notice. Every once in a while they will retain baby teeth and you will have a baby tooth and an adult side by side, more common in dogs though.
Reply:4 months old is normal age to start losing the baby teeth. Its just like with a human child, they come out one by one. But with animals, you won't always notice when they lose one. Many times it gets swallowed and you never see it. The canine teeth (the pointy ones) will sometimes be double for a bit. The adult tooth grows out while the baby tooth still hasn't fallen out quite yet. My youngest one did that and he looked like a shark for a little while. =)
Reply:um she shouldn't lose all her teeth at once....she should lose them in like a 2 year period of time
Reply:kitty's teeth are supposed to start falling out at about 4 months. but not all at once. it may take up to 1 1/2 years! my youngest cat started when he was 4 months and he is still losing them, maybe one a week and he is 9 months old. this is perfectly normal, but do expect them to start teething on you...ouch!!! good luck!! :)

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